Selfish Reason

City G

Yang Yun looked up at the dark sky.

Just half an hour ago, the sun was shining too bright, and now, the rain poured heavily. The lightning flashed, and thunder roared. On the street, the people scattered around to get to a safer place and take cover from the rain.

In the past few days, the news has reported that nature has become strange. Some areas had experienced heavy rain and flash flood, while some regions experienced drought. According to the report, the situation would continue for two months.

Yang Yun opened up the umbrella when he sensed that Xue Yi Ming was behind him. The two crossed the road and entered Xue Yi Ming's Cayenne. Then, Xue Yi Ming put the keys into the ignition and started driving towards the city area.

"It doesn't look like the rain will be stopping soon," Yang Yun commented. "It will be hard to climb up the hill in this weather."