Episode 1 (Part 1)

For some unknown reasons, I dunno why I left early 'just' for school.

Heck, Seojung-Oppa sent me out of the apartment swelling up with tears. He was so happy, he made my already-gloomy mood worse.

Now I'm first to come to class for the first time after a long time. I couldn't really tell when was the last I was this...punctual.

"What the hell am I doing here this early?" I asked myself as I made my way across the room to my seat on the far end on the last row. I can't help but feel grouchy.

"The same question I'd ask you, Dan Hyo-Rin."

I halted mid-step halfway across the room and turned looking over my shoulder. My homeroom teacher was standing by the classroom entrance door.

'Ah, w...what was his name again? Gah, I'm bad with names.'

My homeroom teacher seems to look just about around his mid-thirties or something. He seems lean under his crispy office uniform and has a tall figure. The way his dark Asian hair was quite swept neatly to a side with sauvé that made his forehead seemingly nice. Well, in totality, he wasn't that bad looking.

'Though, I gotta say, my homeroom teacher, smelled off of a uke...'

Ooops... Am right at it again...

"Funny, you'd come to school when it's not a school day, huh?" My homeroom teacher asked with a hint of light sarcasm and a slightly apologetic smile, crossing his arm.

I blinked snapping back from the fangirling.

"Wait what? Today's a non-school day? but it's-"

"It's a weekend," My homeroom teacher said. "It's Saturday today." His brows rose.

'It's Saturday today.'

It rang in my head more times than I could count before it finally got into my head that it was Saturday today.

'What the- Today's Saturday?!'

I am sleep deprived.

I got my limited-edition babies in my older brother's hands, I'm dying when it hasn't been twenty-four hours since.

Then, here I was desperate coming to school to get over and done with my older brother's consequences.

But damn

"Oh," I said, trying to get a grip of my losing sanity and keep my crap together as I can. "It's Saturday today." I forced myself not to crack like a madman and smiled.

"Ha. Ha. Right. It's Sa...tur...day..."

But pulling up the corners of my mouth was too much for me. My face was so stiff and tense, I could hear sounds like cracking egg-shells by the moment I move a muscle in my face.

'I'm so bad at this...'

My right eyebrow twitched, as I tried so hard not to falter, not even a single moment.

My homeroom teacher looked at me indifferently for a moment.

'I know you know that I can't hide it well with this look on my face, seonsangnim.' I internally cried as I try to hold up my ever crumbling composure. I cleared my throat and completely turned to face my homeroom teacher who was still standing by the door.

"Well, I did contact your household yesterday and had a conversation with your older brother regarding with...ehem" he coughed dryly, "your test results."

He coughed again, "And told him to mandatory let you come to school, particularly, today."


I honestly don't know how to react right now. I was flabbergasted.

Then, there was a bubbling annoyance deep in my stomach. And I blame myself for that.

'But hey what was that "the same question I'd ask you, Dan Hyo-Rin" thing earlier if he was anticipating me all along?'

After a moment of realization, I somehow wanted to land my precious knuckles on my homeroom teacher's face. Ha. Ha.

I don't mind getting suspended, aha ha ha.

"Don't pull such a scary face Dan Hyo-Rin. No boy will ever date you then."

Just what the-

'But I'd rather see how you have fun with your hubby sir. I wonder if you have one?'

( UwU )

"Mr Hwon." And another voice walked in the scene.

Just another student.

'Blue tie' An upperclassmen, judging by the color of his tie. And the grade I'm supposed to be on... if I had not had such a sappy mental breakdown last year.

Sad but I'd rather not make it my sadder.

Because I'm now 'finally' over it.

(Or so?)

But let's not be too negative about it. Okay?

"Ms Park told me you'd be here." The boy said.

'Dang, I can smell those damn alpha pheromones oozing from this lad.'

Who's this guy?

We were in the same grade last year but I never noticed him before. Yet now he has a domineering feel around him. Eyes sharp but he appears to be annoyed. His hair dishevelled like he ran his way here. His uniform was crumple-ly tucked and tie barely done. And his breathing raggedly yet trying to contain himself up?

'Typical high school boy trying to act cool.'

"Cha Daewoo you're here." Mr Hwon (which the guy just called my homeroom teacher's surname earlier) turned and greeted the student.

So my homeroom teacher's name is Mr Hwon. And this young lad is Cha Daewoo.

But more importantly

They both look soooo- good together. Just watching them conversate was just...

'Gaaaah, I can't bear the sexiness of an adultery taboo teacher-student relationship and you got a kid for a seme. Holy cow!' My Fujoshi inner beast was screaming inside my head and I fairly enjoyed the thought of it, ke-ke-ke-ke.

Ah, I could tell that I'm smiling so satisfied with the scene before me.

They were talking for a while while I was just watching them. I wasn't paying much attention since I was busy in my little air bubble.

"Dan Hyo-Rin" Mr Hwon called out to me which made me jump a little in surprise, popping my bubble in the process. He waved his left hand telling me to come over to them.

I followed.

'Ugh, I loved that bubble.'

I stopped about three feet away from them. But Mr Hwon pulled me closer by the shoulder, "I'd like you to meet Cha Daewoo." His other hand gestured over to the boy in front of me who's name was Cha Daewoo.

"And Cha Daewoo, this is Dan Hyo-Rin."

"Pleased to meet you." He curtly replied his eyes penetrating to mine.

". . ." blinking, I shook off the cold feeling from Cha Daewoo and turned to face Mr Hwon.

"Why are you introducing us to each other, Mr Hwon?" I asked, confusedly.

"This is the reason why I told your brother to let you come to school today and with the principal's approval of my proposal, Cha Daewoo will now be tutoring you to help with your studies."


"Yes, I couldn't bare you being kicked out if you result continue to fall down."

"But I don't need any help."

"Really?" Mr Hwon crossed his arm over his chest as he shifted his weight on the other foot. "But the last midterm, your every single test received a single-digit score and your attendance is not helping you either."

I know you all be thinking that remark was a shot to my ego or whatever but the truth is, I never took my test seriously yet I knew the answer to them and could make it to the top. But, I just didn't feel like passing is all. With that, this whole tutor thing is completely unnecessary.

'Aigoo, everything's making my head spin.'

"Complaining won't make you any good Dan Hyo-Rin and if you are to negotiate, proceed to the principal's office."

"No!" Cha Daewoo suddenly blurted out which made me look at him. He looked pretty aggravated like he's in some kind of dire situation.

"That's right" Mr Hwon triumphed smiling as he patted Cha Daewoo on the shoulder. "I leave her to you, sport."

"Mr Hwon I-"

"Aigoo, I better get moving now kids." Mr Hwon animatedly checked his wristwatch. "I still have a report to submit. Adios" And he was gone just like that.

'Not only was he undeniably evil, but fast on his feet, too.'


Cha Daewoo and I were now left alone in my classroom with nothing between us but total awkwardness and dead silence.

This situation was making me all nervous and sweaty. I could even feel his eyes boring two holes on me, and I couldn't meet them. For some reasons, I ended up being scared of him. He was just that domineeringly scary.

'Oh dear God, what shall I do?'