You Really Are My Best Friend

Meanwhile, back in the President's Office, Levi still waiting for another hour when finally, the door opens.

Levi quickly stood up and he saw President Crow entered the room with Cassie. He looks down on their hands that clasped together. A pinched on his heart seeing them together and holding hands. He stared at Cassie's face where a big smile planted on her lips, she looks very happy while she's looking up at Shun.

She then notices him and her eyes grew bigger like her usual when she gets excited or surprised.

"Levi!?" she exclaimed then make a long step towards him.

"Hi, Cassie..." he was stun when Cassie hugs him. He froze then glance at Shun. He did not make a reaction but only wear a long serious face.

Levi patted on her back lightly while glancing at Shun. He also glances at the other men but seems they just ignoring them.

"Levi, am glad seeing you here," Cassie told him then she smiled like the usual Cassie he used to know.