The Past Unveil

The media is patiently waiting outside the Mainland Hall of Justice for the last hearing and for the judges to make their final decision regardless of Julius Kang's crime.

On this passing week, Attorney Andrew Lawrence releases all the evidence pointing Kang's crime and the attempts of killing the Young daughter who survives from the car crash which is, one of Julius Kang's plots of murder.

While waiting, Shun also patiently waiting for the person from New York that said want to meet them personally. Rudolf who waited in the lobby to escort the said guest.

"Rudolf Lao?"

"Robert Jones?"

"Yeah... how are you, man?"

"I thought, it's just a familiar name. So, it is really you after all?" Rudolf can't believe to meet his neighbor at the same time, his classmates back in Grade School.

"Wow. Small world..." Robert whistles, amazed by this chances. "Then, you do work here?"