Vol. Six- Two: What Omen Is This?

Their eyes meet and their heart talked. She leans on the door and suddenly she feels shy in front of Quinn.

She watches him walking towards her, and he looks down staring at her face. "Tell me that I am not dreaming," he said.

Quinn places his arm to the door that made her pinned on it. His other arm then began stroking her face and hair.

"How about, you find out if this is only a dream," she teases him.

Quinn leans and murmurs close to her ears, "you naughty, future Mrs. Williams." He then gently bites her lower lip before he entirely covers her mouth. And they kiss like there is no tomorrow.

They stayed embracing each other after that passionate kiss and no one who dares to break in this beautiful moment they had together. Both of them wanted to cope up with the days they were away from each other.

"Thank you for visiting me. I felt like, am going crazy, if I am not got to see you soon," Quinn mumbles. Cassie giggles for him acting childish.