Only during the flashbacks
Naruto's POV
Previously: the card revealed to be...
The 7 of hearts.
"The 6 of hearts". My speed outwitted Hades, causing him release a 'tch'. "So. fath'r how hast thy day been?" (So father how has your day been)
I smirked at my words. Annoying him was a skill I've learnt that could actually be effective. It was best to speak in a different language to prevent our... I glanced to my side to see 12 rows of seats occupied with court men, lords and duchess as well as workers of our mansion spectating, appearing intrigued by the game we're playing. Speaking with such a foreign language prevents them from understanding our conversation. This makes it easier for me to annoy Hades without denting my popularity. Genius right? The moment I learned and perfected the Shakespearean language was the same day I gave the order to burn any books that helped others learn it. English was a language little knew, so adding a Shakespearean twist was upmost perplexing.
"Quite agitating actually, thee seeth, I has't this son of mineth whom doesn't knoweth when to giveth up." (Quite agitating actually, you see I have this son of mine whom doesn't know when to give up) Hades traced his pale hands over his covered cards, deciding which card to play next.
"Yon'd sounds familiar. I too am in a similar predicament, thee seeth I has't this fath'r whom wishes to marryeth me off to a text booketh definition of a callet." (That sounds familiar. I too am in a similar predicament, you see I have this father whom wishes to marry me off to a text book definition of a slut)
"Naruto why must you torture me like this." Kurama, whom sat by my feet (his size is a tall as Naruto when he was 12) struggling to hold back his laughter. He knew of the meaning of 'callet' since he guarded me every second. Therefore learning the Shakespearean and English language. "Why must you call that girl a slut Naruto, it isn't-"
"Kurama how many men have you seen her with?"
"...Alright I agree . The number of men I've seen her kissing with is... larger than my age."
"Does Hades know of this?"
"No not yet, I will persuade him with that fact incase you may lose this match, well not saying that I believe you would los-"
"I understand Kurama no need to explain".
"6 of spades." Hades placed down, staring at his son whom he knew was conversing with Kurama. Perhaps planning a quick game plan?
"Wherefore might not but thee changeth the suiteth of the cards!?" (Why must you change the suit of the cards) Naruto's voice spoke with anger. But then a mischievous glimmer danced on his face.
"Is this because of the fact yond thee want a physical heart yourself? that's belike wherefore you're so keen to marryeth me off to a lustful mistress." (Is it because of the fact that you lack a physical heart yourself? That must be why you're so keen to marry me off to a lustful lady)
"Naruto thee seemeth to has't f'rgotten you're position." (Naruto, you seem to have forgotten your position) Hades spoke with obvious rage. There was no way he would accept such insults for his son. All he wished for was Naruto to grow a family of his own so it would distract him from the useless flashbacks from his old world. But it seems even wanting something selfless was portrayed as evil. A lingering trait rumoured by everyone. "Relyeth any m're foul w'rds and I shall endeth this game immediately." (Relay any more foul words and I will end this game immediately) The audience tensed at the anger behind those words. They weren't aware of what they were saying but they knew their prince was the cause of it.
"Art thee declaring thy handeth is vict'rious enow to winneth at this v'ry second." (Are you saying that your hand is victorious enough to win this very second) Naruto heart grew with fear yet settled to hold it within.
"Wherefore shouldst i bid thee? we art opponents at the moment." (Why should I tell you? We are opponents at the moment) Hades sighed with disappointment. "Thy brain is still as dram as a coffee bean." (your brain is still as small as a coffee bean)
"Hey! well thee won't beest declaring yond at which hour thee seeth this card." (Hey! You won't be saying that when you see this card) Naruto placed down a card filled with confidence.
"Black Jack."
"First we had a kid who was riding a skateboard, and NOW we have one who's riding a fucking fox! What's next, a kid on a dragon!? Maybe a unicorn!? If this isn't cheating then I don't know what is! I'm mean look at him! He's even sleeping! Have some respect kid!" The voice complained loud enough to drag a certain blond from his flashback.
"Mhmmm? Wha? Kurama, what's going on?"
"A trivial matter Naruto. Please continue sleeping."
"Leorio, remember, we weren't told to run, just follow him." A younger male defended.
"But he's sleeping!"
"Technically, we didn't have to be awake."
"Why are you defending him! Is he your friend!?"
"Kurama... this doesn't sound like a meaningless subject. By the way, why am I on your back? And moving...?"
"Naruto." Kurama sighed, mumbling a incoherent curse to the humans that woke up his kit, of course no one heard. "The hunter exam started under 3 hours ago. Not wanting to disturb you, I put you on my back and followed the examiner's instruction which was to follow him. There was no stated transport therefore we are not breaking the rules of the first phase of the exam."
"I admire your politeness but please do not do this again. It seems we have angered some more humans."
"My apologies Naruto, I'll let you down."
"No need to apologise Kurama, you was just doing what you believed would please me. I cannot blame you. Plus I like riding on your back, it's cute and fluffy. It kind of smell of strawberries and—"
"Get off."
"Hai, hai." With those word said, Naruto sat up; rubbing his dazed eyes before hopping off then running beside Kurama.
"Leorio can you stop complaining now. See he's running. There's no need to stress about this."
"Humph, so he heard me. I guess he's not all bad."
"He wasn't bad to begin with."
"I wanna pet his fox."
"I wanna be his friend! He looks so pretty and nice."
"Same! Wait, how do you know he's male? He kinda looks female."
"He's a she? I never knew girls liked dressing like that."
"Is decapitating examinees against the rules Kurama?"
"We were not given a set of rules to follow, so I believe we might be allowed, though I would argue against it."
"A girl! Of all things a girl! I don't believe this!"
"To be honest I agree with them. You're more curvier than most guys and your long hair—"
"Kurama... please stop."
"R-right sorry. What I meant to say was that your figure in mortal realms compared to the underworld is seen as quite feminine."
"Ugh, should I change—"
"Hey miss what's your name?" The cheerful voice of the younger boy before stopped Naruto's words. Looking to his left side with eyes that hid a growing tsunami, the blond saw a boy with a green complex. His spiky hair was almost unreal and the grin he was wearing was almost heart warming.
"I am not a miss", the word was said with venom. "And my name is Naruto."
"No way!" Another familiar voice spoke with shock to the left of the raven-haired boy. He hair was white. (A/N: -_- too lazy to describe him fully) and under his armpit was a skateboard.
"Are you telling me I don't know my own gender and somehow you do?" Must. Conceal. My. Rage.
"Yeah Killua that's rude." The boy whined, glaring at his friend. "My name is Gon and my friend who hasn't apologised yet is Killua." His tone childishly altered from joy to intimidation.
"Right, right sorry. Anyway how old are you?"
"Killua!" Gon whined once more.
"What I said sorry!"
"That's enough." Naruto rubbed the bridge between his nose. "They're giving me a headache."
"Me too Kurama." Naruto let out an internal sigh.
"I'm sixteen, what about you two?" He calmly continued the conversation.
"We're both 12." Gon grin happily.
"Yep." Killua confined. "And err, sorry for before."
"It's alright." The reply was nonchalant. It's not like I care anyway.
"Did you not want to kill them a few minutes ago?"
Shut up."
"Goal!" Shouted Killua and Gon simultaneously Naruto was behind them, not a single sweat visible on him. Kurama had shrunk in size; laying comfortably on Naruto's right shoulder.
"I did it! I finished first!"
"What are you talking about, I totally won"
"But I got here first Killua."
"No I did Gon."
"You have to buy me dinner!"
"No you do Gon!"
"Was I like this when I was younger?"
"Haha, you have no idea."
"Hey Naruto who do you think won!?" Gon quickly drew his attention.
"Yeah Naruto should know, he was behind us."
"Erm... I believe both of you reached the top at the same time. So you're both winners." The blond squeezed out a smile, hoping his answer would shut them both up.
"Really?" Questioned Gon.
"Yep", he reassured .
"How about I buy you dinner first and then you buy me dinner afterwards?" Gon proposed, hoping to solve the problem.
Killua only stared at him dumbfounded "Huh? I don't get it."
"Hey, Satotz-san is this the second phase?" Asked Naruto, moving away from the irrelevant conversation. The examiner was to the side, spectating the group of boys.
"No we have quite a long way to go."
"Oh, ok."
"The Numere Wetlands, also known as Swindler's Swamp. We must cross this swamp to reach the second phase of the exam. This place is the home to many bizarre animals; many of them being cunning, insatiable creatures who deceive humans and prey upon them. Be very careful. If you let them fool you, you're dead."
"It's a good thing we're not humans, still doesn't that sound nice Kurama."
"Hmm. It's been a long time since I've seen you fight. Maybe you've gone rusty."
"We'll see about that."
"No! No! Wait for me! NOOO!" Shutter between the stairs and the grass the examinees were stood on closed, heightening the tension in the room. People feared dying, but knowing that they couldn't escape almost caused high blood pressure.
Satotz continued, drawing back the attention of the applicants, "these wetland creatures will use every trick in the book to catch their prey. Stay close to me and you won't get deceived."
"Ha, there's no way we'd get caught. How can they fool us when we're expecting it." Leorio commented; speaking the thoughts of many other idiots. (A/N: excluding Naruto, he had Kurama to correct him. Lol jk ヽ[・ω・]ノ )
"Don't let him fool you!" A man suddenly appeared.
"Huh". Leorio muttered out.
"He's not the real examiner! I AM!"
"Haha, Oh my Hades."
"S-shut up Kurama or I'll start laughing too."
"But look at him. All beat up and dirty. There's no way people will believe him. Well except that idiot there called Leorio."
"Pffft, oops." Naruto accidentally sniggered out loud, quickly covering his mouth, luckily not drawing any attention. "Kurama stop bullying him."
"But it's true. Plus there's no way he's 19."
"He's an imposter!" Shouted the 'real examiner'.
"What! No way!"
"No wonder he runs weirdly!"
"He even looks weird."
"L-look at this!" The man pulled out a creature with similar features to Satotz.
"This is just cruel. Comparing him to a monkey-look alike." The Kyūbi could only sigh.
"I almost pity Satotz-san."
"Then bring an end to this." Kurama stared into the eyes of the blonde.
"...ok." He rapidly blinked, surprised by the fox's seriousness.
Slowly, Naruto brought both his hands to the ring hanging on his chest. His gloved index finger swiped the plain black centre of the ring. Just after that movement, the ring started to glow blue. A similar colour to Naruto's eyes. His left eye had been replaced by nothing but darkness and the ring presented a blinking eye. It was as if his eye had been transferred into the ring.
"Duel swords, a stab of hot and cold."
"Request accepted. Releasing now." A feminine yet robotic voice projected from the ring, speaking these words into the blond's head.
"Such a useful item. It's practically a storage ring. But far more advanced."
"Yes, that is why I requested it from father."
Two weapons landed on Naruto's forward stretched hands.
"Hold on tight Kurama."