Nobody is allowed to torture my prey

"You are lying, brother Wang. You are lying, brother Wang." Eliza kept repeating the same words. (Zhang eliza addresses Xianwang as brother wang.)

She then glared at Yuerui.

'Wh…what? Why are you giving me the glare? I didn't do anything. If you wanna give glares, give him… yes him.' Yuerui stammered in her thoughts.

Suddenly something came in Eliza'z mind. She turned towards Xianwang and gave him a bright smile, then said, "Brother Wang, why would you bother training her? Let me do that for you."

Hearing Eliza, a dark gloomy aura surfaced in Xianwang's face.

'Nobody is allowed to torture my prey. Only I am allowed to do that.'

He lifted his face and without removing the cold aura he said,"Don't bother."

Eliza made a doleful expression and wanted to insist Xianwang, "But brother Wa…."

But she was cut in her words and Xianwang said, "Clean the mess."

Then he strode towards the sofa which is opposite his table, took a seat, picked up his tab and continued his work.

Zhang eliza's face darkened. She turned towards Yuerui with a flick and again gave her a glare.

'Looks like giving glares to everyone is what you practice everyday dear. But you should not do that often, unless your eyes will pop out.' Yuerui is still in her thinking.

Eliza kept glaring at her for five minutes but Yuerui didn't gave any heed to that. She kept standing at her position with a poker face.

Eliza thought that her deathly glares will scare Yuerui to death. But when she saw Yuerui was still standing in her place with a poker face, she was surprised. She then thought she shouldn't waste her time on Yuerui. So she turned towards Xianwang and said,

"Okay brother Wang, I will clean them since you said so."

Eliza stretched her hands and carried all the files in her two hands and dumped them in the table.

"I have done it Brother Wang." Eliza said with a sweet smile. Then she looked at Yuerui with a victorious look as in she has achieved something.

'You call that cleaning the mess?' Yuerui was astounded by Eliza's work.

Xianwang didn't give her any look. Actually he was not in good mood anymore.

'Huh… What was I expecting? I shouldn't have called her. I thought she would scare that new girl but instead she created a mess here.' Xianwang thought.

When Eliza didn't give any reply from Xianwang she pouted. Then she saw the drinks bar near the shelf. She reached for the shelf and poured some black berry juice in a glass and went near Xianwang.

"Brother Wang it must be really tiring for you to work day and night. Here have some juice."

Eliza stretched her hands holding the juice in a tray towards Xianwang.

When Eliza was serving juice to Xianwang she looked at Yuerui with the corner of her eyes.

Yuerui could sense that Eliza was showing off to her.

'OMG… I am so jealous….huh… you think I am gonna say that? If you wanna keep that gay weirdo, keep him!!! Who's gonna care…' Yuerui sneered.

On the other side, xianwang was looking at his tab when Eliza disturbed him. He saw Eliza with a glass of black berry juice.

'Huh...even the juice you choose is black' he thought.

He unwillingly reached for the glass when to the corner of his eyes he saw Eliza was looking at Yuerui. Suddenly something crossed his mind. Then he slightly lifted the glass and then intentionally dropped it.

The juice got spilled in Eliza's white long maxi dress.

"What the…." Eliza literally yelled but held her tongue in the middle. Xianwang didn't make any move. He instead froze his hands in the air and kept the position as in he didn't do anything.

"Brother Wang I am sorry. I… I think I have to go now." Eliza said while trying to clean her dress.

Xianwang didn't say anything but gave a smirk which Eliza didn't see. But someone who was standing in a distance saw the whole drama.