New addition in the gang

All the way to the marketing department Yuerui came hanging her head down and cursing Xianwang. She could feel that the female colleagues were peeking at her. Yuerui doesn't wanted to get interrogated by anyone. So she walked very fast towards her cabin.

When she opened the door she was welcomed with a loud scream of Su.

"Little cat.....How was it????"

"Shhhhh....slow down." Yuerui whispered.

"Why?" Su also whispered.

"You want everyone to hear?" Yuerui said.

Su bit her tongue slightly and said,"Oh! Sorry...I forgot."

'I am sure gonna get killed by girl one-day.' Yuerui thought in her mind.

Yuerui was thinking in her thoughts suddenly an unfamiliar voice strike her out of her daze.

"You are gonna tell only Su, little cat? What about me?" The voice said.

Yuerui came out of her thoughts and turned towards the voice.

She saw a man in his late 20's. May be around 28/29. He has brown hair which was a little long but not too long. He wore a red t-shirt with black jacket and a blue ripped jeans.

Yuerui looked at the man with a poker face since she didn't know the person. But actually she checked him out from top to toe.

"I am sorry. But who..?" Yuerui asked.

" bad I forgot my intro. Hi, my name is Sheng Yunkai. You can call me Kai." The guy name Kai said with a bright smile.

"Little cat didn't you for the person in the other seat? He is the one, Kai. He is my immediate senior." Su said.

After realizing everything Yuerui nodded to Kai and said,"Good morning senior Kai."

"Aiyoo didn't I tell you to tell me just Kai. Not senior. Okay, little cat? I have a status to maintain you know. If you call me senior it would make be look old." Kai said.

"Okay." Yuerui replied with just one word.

'He and Su seem to have similar type of character. He already started to call me little cat.' Yuerui thought.

"You don't seem like to talk much little cat. Or is it that you are too shy to talk with me. Since you know I am good looking. Okay special treatment for you. Only you can call me brother Kai." Kai said in a flirting way.

Seeing the flirting of Kai Yuerui wanted to puke.

'Call you brother Kai no thank you.' she thought.

"No it's okay. I'll just call you Kai." Yuerui said.

Kai came forward Yuerui and put his hands on her shoulder and said in a assuring way,

"Say what you want. Hey little cat Su has reported me everything. Those brainless fan girls have tried to sacrifice you to the CEO. How ruthless. If anything like this happens again ask me. I will protect you." Kai said patting his chest.

"We will protect you. Because you are our little cat." Su said while putting her hands across Kai's shoulder.

'They sure have a good bonding. I hope I will also have this type to bond with them' Yuerui thought.

They were treating Yuerui as their little sister.

Yuerui could feel the warmth of siblings in them. She gave then a gentle sweet smile and nodded.

Thus the gang of these three continued their work with laughter and happiness