Then apologize!

"Huh... My file? Yes my file... Where is it?" Ruo started to blabber."What? You don't know where is it?" Su questioned her."No.. I know..." Ruo just replied without thinking anything."Where is it then?" Now Kai asked.These two of them were really having fun in interrogating her."Where is it..... Huh it's..." Ruo was planning about an excuse.Xianwang looked at his watch and said,"Wasting my time."This three words of him made cold sweat I'm Ruo's forehead.Not only her but also others became frightened.Everybody knew how conscious and strict Xianwang is about time."Boss, can I show the soft copy of my work?"After getting the file of Yuerui Ruo became so over confident that she threw her pendrive on the dustbin. So even though she said about the pendrive, she had to go and search for it."Wait a minute, isn't this the file that you made me look earlier, Ruo?" Zongguan suddenly looked at the files of Yuerui and became suspicious."Huh... This? Oh may be I got it mixed up way before the lunch." Ruo was still making excuses.Even though there were no evidence but people still get the hint of what has happened."Can you present your presentation now?" Xianwang asked."Now... I need to get them...." Ruo said."Now means now!" Xianwang said to her without having any expression on his face.Ruo's neck became wet with fear. She didn't know what to say." Bo...boss""Leave!", Xianwang said while adjusting his blezer."But.. Boss please don't do this... An least give me a minute." Ruo cried. Because everyone present knew what 'Leave' meant. It didn't mean to just leave from the auditorium. It's to leave the company."We have a meeting in an hour right, right?" Xianwang said to Zongguan while totally ignoring Ruo."Ye.... Yeah... Boss... But boss?" Said Zongguan.Firing someone like this was too cruel. So Zongguan wanted to try at least once to ask Xianwang."Let's go." Xianwang stood up from his seat and prepared to leave."But you gave Yuerui extra 10 minutes." Ruo shouted from behind.Xianwang stopped in his motion for a second then leisurely turned around and said, " She didn't waste my time."After that Xianwang prepared to leave and Si ying followed him.But Xianwang was again stopped in his motion.Ruo ran from behind, stood in front of him and kneeled before him."Please, CEO Kong Xianwang. I beg you. Don't fire me."'Ah... I really didn't want this to happen...' he thought and got a little annoyed.Xianwang relaxed his shoulders and said in a cold voice," Then apologize!"Ruo raised her face to face him and gave a confused look."Don't know who?" He asked.Ruo again gave the same confused expression."You should know who you should apologize to." Xianwang really didn't wanted to use so much words on her."Boss I don't know who you are talking about? If you want me to apologize to you then I am really really sorry." Ruo cried."Should we check the camera?" Xianwang's eyes narrowed.