Let's start with your face

"My princess in floral armor.... Hihi" Xianwang chuckled foolishly.

Yuerui wide opened her eyes after hearing such a thing.

'Hey dude what happened to you? please tell me? A moment ago you were crying for your Si ying, and now all of a sudden your pervert mode is on?' Yuerui couldn't get hold of the situation.

On the other hand, Xianwang was in his own world where there were only the two of them.

"Tell me, (hiccups) why did you leave me that day? I searched really hard for you. I even gave a really hard time to my friend to search for you." Xianwang was trying to convey his feelings but failing really hard because Yuerui wasn't listening to it.

'O God! How can I escape now? I came to save him but instead endangered myself.' Yuerui wanted to bang her head.

While thinking of a way to escape, her gaze fell on Xianwang's phone.

'Crap.... Crap... Crap... My number is in his phone record. I have to delete it. If I don't delete it then he will know everything and I will get fired.' even the feeling of getting caught gave Yuerui chills.

Yuerui thought for a while. Then she pretended to listen to him. After some minutes of struggling she finally released her left hand. She slowly reached her hands towards the phone and hide it behind her.

"Hey, I have been talking for soo long... Why aren't you saying anything?" Xianwang frowned.

Startled by him, Yuerui turned towards him but didn't know what to say. More like she didn't want to say anything.

'What if he recognizes my voice.' she thought.

"Are you mute?" He asked tanderly.

Yuerui didn't give any reply instead pointed her fingers towards his back.

"What!" Xianwang turned backward.

In the meantime, Yuerui also turned towards her backwards to hide his phone from him, at first she deleted her call record, then gave Si ying a missed call along with their location.

"What are you doing?" The sudden question by Xianwang made Yuerui freeze on her spot.

She turned towards Xianwang and just made a crease in her eyes as if she is smiling.

This softened Xianwang's heart but at the same time something made him upset.

"You know I... I have been blabbering all this time. But... But... We didn't even introduce properly. I.... I don't even know your name. Not only that I also didn't see you face."

He continued,"let's start with you face. I really wanna know you." Saying this Xianwang reached out his hands towards Yuerui's scarf.

This sudden approach of Xianwang made Yuerui frightened to the core. She pushed Xianwang on the couch and stood up. But before she could leave the room Xianwang held her hands and pushed her backward making her fall on top of him.

Their faces became really close to each other. It was so sudden that Yuerui's heart was beating really fast.

'Lub Dub... Lub Dub...'

Xianwang could feel her heartbeat getting faster. Their face were so close that he could smell the smell of night blooming Jasmin flower from her chapstick (lipbalm).

"It really is you! This smell of you proves that it's you. It's really an unique smell. Makes me wonder about you." Xianwang said in a seductive way.

This behavior of him made Yuerui really scared. She wanted to get off of him but Xianwang was holding her on her waist.

A few loosen strands of hair of Yuerui was falling on Xianwang's face. He lightly tucked them behind her ears and said, "Why do you want to run away from me?" His heart ached.

"I won't bite you." He chuckled.

Yuerui never in a million years imagined this time of behavior from the mighty dangerous Xianwang. Not to mention she thinks that he is a gay. So she was really at wits end to think of anything. She just wanted to run away from the place.

So, this time she used all her strength to get off from him and she succeeded. But since she had a cocktail previously and has a really low alcohol tolerancele, she was feeling a little drowsy. As a result, she tripped off her sandal and broke the heel of her right shoe. She held the door to balance herself from falling then she removed the heel from her shoe, threw it in the room and ran off from the room while holding two of the shoes in her hand.