No... You can't be here

At 10.40 she reached the meeting room.

There were one or two people at that time. But she didn't pay any heed to him or her, whoever was sitting and started to prepare for her presentation.

Yuerui can do only one work at a time and when she does that all her attention is centered on that work. She becomes so emerged in them that she doesn't know what is happening around her. Same is happening now. She is soo concentrated on her files that she didn't even realize when the whole room became filled with people.

While she was arranging the papers she felt a strange feeling. As if someone is intensely looking at her. This strange feeling made her feel uncomfortable. She thought that after that scandal it's normal that people will look at her since they know that the girl in the picture is her. So she neglected the awkwardness and concentrated on her work.