Crap! I had been set up

"No... I can't leave you alone." Xianwang replied hurriedly.

"Huh!" Yuerui gave a confused look.

"I mean, I can't let a female employee go alone. Since you came with me, you are my responsibility."

"It's okay, Boss. I can manage." Yuerui insisted.

"Mr. Han and I are going the Japanese restaurant nearby. Come with us until we finish. Then I'll drop you home. I hope it's okay with you Mr. Han." Xianwang said.

Yefang didn't say anything only nodded.

"You don't have to do this. I can really manage." Yuerui still insisted.

"That's an order." Xianwang said in serious tone.

In the end, Yuerui had to go with them against her will.

In the Japanese restaurant, they booked a private room for their meeting.

The two CEOs were busy in discussing their projects. They have got two government projects in their hands like a flyover construction and a bridge construction.