You don't have anything else in mind?

"So you called me all the way here while making a fuss in front of the department heads just to give me this lecture?" Mai Yuerui asked in disbelief.

"Yes." Kong Xianwang bluntly replied.

"So you don't have anything else in your mind?" Mai Yuerui again asked only to be angry even more.

"Yes." Kong Xianwang again replied shortly.

"So all this drama that I did is for nothing?" Mai Yuerui asked.

"I am not saying that you did it for nothing. It's just that it was not necessary." Kong Xianwang replied as one corner of his lips curved into a smile.

'Calm down, Mai Yuerui. It was your fault that you had expectations on him.' Mai Yuerui tried to calm herself down.

"So, Mr. Kong. If you have nothing else to say then I will take my leave." Saying so Mai Yuerui turned to leave.

"Wait." Suddenly Kong Xianwang called her from behind.

'Did he understood that he was rude now?' Mai Yuerui lit up with a smile.