Sophie in the office

After Kong Xianwang left, Mai Yuerui didn't know how to react. Just a few moments ago he was acting like a jerk. But now he came all the way here to give her coffee.

Should she be happy? Or if it was a given that he should come and try to coax her?

After Lin Zongguan and Si ying left, Mai Yuerui was still staring at the cup of coffee.

Come to think of it, may be she was overreacting a little bit. He was just trying to tell her that since he has made a rule of discipline on the company, as his wife she should also make precedent in this regard. Or else, when people will know about their relationship they might think that she is treated differently because of her status.

In that sense, he was actually helping her!

"But he still shouldn't have treated me like that." Mai Yuerui accidentally blurted out while looking at the cup.

"Who treated you like what, Little cat?" Su asked her confusedly.