A fake date or a real date? 03

Seeing that Mai Yuerui was eager to skate Kong Xianwang had to give in to her request.

"Since you want to stay here, then we better use this time to teach you to how to skate." Saying so he lead her the way.

This time he brought her to a corner where there is less people.

"You can already balance yourself. So let's take small steps at first." He held both her hands and helped her to take steps forward.

Mai Yuerui was really excited at this moment.

She looked at her husband with a bright smile on her face as she took her small steps towards him.

"Here you go! You are doing great. Try to bend your knees a little little. Yes, that's it!"

Seeing that how attentively he was teaching her, Mai Yuerui's heart melted.

This date sure is making her know his other sides.


Mai Yuerui knew a little to skate so it didn't take long for her to get a hold of herself.