It's not mine!



Kong Xianwang stopped on his motion when he saw the little thing lying on the floor.

He tilted his head to see his wife who had an expression as if she has seen a ghost.

"This is?" Kong Xianwang opened his mouth to say.

But his wife quickly came back to her senses and swiftly scooted down and shut his mouth with her hand.

"They are not mine. Ning Tan forced them into my bag." She replied in one breath as if she has been caught cheating on him and now she has to give him explanation.

"Umm... You..." Kong Xianwang tried to say under her palm.

But she again stopped him.

"Of course, I should give it back to her. I will do it the first thing in the morning."

Saying so, she scooped up the pile of her stuff and stashed them into her bag and then ran towards her room.

Kong Xianwang dumbfoundedly looked at the way she left.

He rubbed the back of his neck as he timidly smiled.
