Chapter 43

Irvene's point of view

I waited till my eyes were okay after that strange incident and only to be shocked from what's in front of me. It's the little girl I saw from that dream.

I was astounded by her silver hair and red eyes. It's similar from the dead woman we found weeks ago in Soul'e. Of course, I already saw it in my dream but watching it in reality was very different. Her build was like Ivy's current body figure which was the only difference from that dead woman.

I waved my hands at her face when she blinked and only looked at me. A few minutes passed and she wasn't moving other than that.

I recalled the dream I saw earlier. Maybe I could get a clue about this young girl. Then, I suddenly remembered the white marble that I was holding a while ago.

"That's a fake life source from what I heard from that dream," I uttered.

Since it's a fake life source, the girl in front of me was not a human but was like a vessel for the fake life source or that fake life source simply transformed into the appearance of that girl. There were many possibilities but that two explanations were somehow not far from the truth based on what I know and that sudden dream.

When I touched her shoulder, I felt the same thing when I touched the white marble. It meant that this girl was continuously taking magic from me! After that, her chest glowed and then she started moving her body.

"W-who are you?" she said.

I was somewhat startled. Was she really not a human? She behaved exactly like one and her face was showing fear, her folded hands trembling and her feet started to wobble.

Based on that dream, she might have a recollection of the past or only a piece of it enough to be scared of her surroundings.

"I'm Irvene and I won't hurt you," I said.

I don't know how would I make her feel safe and I ended up giving a simple greeting and reassurance. Afterward, I simply sat on the bed and looked at her.


I was only greeting her when she fell on the floor already. It made me stood up from my bed and helped her sat on my bed.

"Uhm, M-master, sorry," she said.

I frozed. Another one? "What?" I asked.

"You gave life to me so you're my Master," she said.

Her body looked weak. Maybe she just need to rest. Although she's calling me master which I don't feel good. Elis and Ivy was enough. I have to stop this as soon as I can.

"Since you consider me your Master, I command you to just call me Irvene," I said.

"Irvene," she uttered.

"Hmm, that's right," I said.

I almost wipe my forehead. After that, she didn't seem to move nor talk. It's like there's a statue here. I decided to move her to the other side of the bed when I felt that a part of my magic was being transferred again towards her body. After that, she moved her own on the other side of the bed I wanted her to.


"I follow what Irvene commands me to do," she said.

She talked again! Although I didn't say it aloud, she understood where I'm planning her to sit. This girl was so much different from a living element. She didn't seem to have her own thoughts and feelings which was expected to a non-being, but it's still shocking to see a human-looking being acting like a doll or puppet. The latter appeared to be accurate since she's only following every command and nothing after that.

There's still so much time and my curiosity about this girl increased. Since she follow commands, maybe I would get some answers.

"What should I call you?" I asked.

She looked at me and answered, "However you want, Irvene."

She didn't have a name? Then, I'll give her one. "From now on, your name will be Winter since your silver hair reminds me of the winter season," I said.

"Also, do you recall where you originally came from?" I asked.

"From a place that I don't know where it is and made by two people whom I don't wish to meet again," Winter said.

From what Winter said, she's experiencing fear and somehow anger like a human. I'm started to get confused. At one time, she acted like a puppet and then act like a human the other time.

"You feel pain?" I asked.

"I don't," Winter answered.

"But experienced how because they told me to," she continued.

Winter's so obedient but she's an incredible non-being. Winter originally couldn't feel pain but when her owner said to, she could do so. Maybe it wasn't her will, it's embedded into her and the magic's owner inside her made it possible.

"As your new owner, you wouldn't experience it again," I said.

I still have many questions, but it could be answered later. For now, I wonder how should I explain it to Meryll. When I was thinking about that, minutes passed by and someone knocked on the door silently. It's Meryll.

I opened the door and I'm about to explain when she glanced at my back and her brows quickly furrowed. It's because Winter suddenly appeared behind my back.

"W-wai-" I said.

I don't have the time to finish my words because I followed swiftly to Meryll when I saw her holding a small blade.

"Winter!" I suddenly said.

Then, I saw her quickly dodged Meryll and formed an ice barrier. Did she just used an ice magic?

"Meryll, she's not an enemy. Stop for now, I'll explain," I said.

I formed an ice wall between them to prevent these two from fighting and that was when I was able to speak. They also calmed down and then I made the ice wall disappear.


It took me a long time to explain to Meryll about what happened. Since Winter was only following what I said, it's more easy to explain the situation to her than Meryll. After that incident, Winter stopped moving and stood in front of us like a statue.

"She's weird but would be helpful in a battle," Meryll said.

"I didn't know Winter could fight like that. Maybe, because of my magic, she's able to use the ice element magic," I explained.

"That's amazing. I still have many questions about this girl but we have to discuss about our work," Meryll said.

Because of what she said, I focused myself and listened to her.

"Some Headmaster Estrama's people headed to an underground place inside this mansion and there were many black diamonds that I supposed came from that mining area. They were laughing horridly and they kept portraying a person but only saying 'Him'," Meryll said.

That person they're portraying might be Headmaster Estrama.

"What about the place or their plans?" I asked.

"They said that they would give the black diamonds to him tomorrow at the red river," she said.

Red river..

"We'll follow them. We don't know the time but it's likely that they would go when no body would be suspicious. After all, they don't want to risk a Headmaster's reputation," I explained.

"You're right," Meryll said.

Then she looked towards Winter. "I think we'll bring her along since we couldn't let her alone in the devil's lair," I said.

"Then, we need to get ready for tomorrow!" Meryll shouted.

"Shhh," I said.

"Sorry..haha," Meryll said.

Red river huh?