Mete Out a Punishment

Tsundere. Her father is a tsundere. Chalice giggled inwardly at her thought. Duke Alaric Sylvann de Amaranth was known to be taciturn and merciless. This was further instilled by her memories of him where he was always strict and cold. The way she sees it, however, the man was the prickly on the outside, soft on the inside type of person. Now that she thinks about it, her new father is quite cute.

Not to mention the fact that he was very handsome as well.

'Hah. The genes of my family are impeccable.'

Chalice noticed that her mother was not around. So, she asked for her whereabouts to ease the tension and awkwardness between them.

"Your mother is in the kitchen. She went to oversee the preparations for lunch." Her father answered curtly, his attention on the papers in his hands.

Chalice wasn't surprised at this answer. Duchess Lyanna, according to her inherited memories took pleasure in caring for her family. She took charge of every aspect of their lives, especially their meals.

"Oh, I see. Am I disturbing you father?"

Chalice started. She wanted to talk about what had happened. She wanted to apologize. Given the customs of this time, she knew that a punishment is in for her. After all, it was the prince of the empire that she had offended.

Her father looked up at her and laid down his documents on the table.

"No. Is there a problem, Chalice?"

Chalice put her hand in front of the other, trying to determine where she should start. She lowered her head and released a tense breath.

'Oh, to hell with it. This body's faults are mine now. I need to take the initiative for it lest the Duke comes up with a severe punishment for me.'

"About the thing with the Crown Prince, this time I did go overboard. I'm sorry, Dad. Sorry for giving you trouble again."


Alaric was dumbfounded. He already prepared his ears for Chalice's usual bellyful of complaints. Not once had he imagined a day that his daughter would lower her head and apologize. But what was more important was... She called him Dad. Dad!

The last time he heard Chalice call him that was when she was five. He didn't know what happened afterward, Chalice suddenly began addressing him formally and being frightened of his presence.

Alaric was in bliss. He struggled to maintain his composure. However, his eyes softened to a noticeable degree. He breathed in deeply before answering her.

"It is good that you are sensible enough to acknowledge your wrong. That is enough for me and your mother. The important thing now is for you to recuperate. You don't have to worry about other matters."

Alaric had planned to send Chalice back to their territory as punishment if ever she complained. Much to his delight, however, Chalice apologized instead. It must be noted that this proud daughter of his seldom apologized. What she had done was already a feat of its own.

Alaric was willing to let her go with this, even if he had to anger the Crown Prince. It's not as if the boy can do anything about it. He will just apologize to the emperor himself if need be. His daughter is more important than some prince.


Chalice stared at her father in surprise. She was prepared for the worse. Her memories painted the Duke as strict and uncompromising. He drew a clear line between reward and punishment.

For him to be this lenient, it could be seen how much he treasures his daughter. Chalice saw the warmth in her father's eyes. She couldn't help but be touched. It had been so long since she felt the love of a father. It has been a lifetime ago.

Fuzzy feelings flooded her chest. And before she knew it hot, wet tears escaped from her eyes. She ran to her father's arms and sobbed, throwing all caution to the wind.

This was the scene that Chalice's mother, Lyana, saw upon entering the study. Her daughter crying hard in the arms of a panicking Alaric. Chalice was sure her mother would have laughed out loud at her father's expression if it were not for her crying.

"Alaric, what did you do? Why is our daughter crying?"

She heard her mother say sternly.

Chalice sniffled while calming herself. She looked up at her mother and smiled.

"Mom, Dad did nothing. I was just happy. Thank you. Thank you for loving me and tolerating everything until this time."

Surprise colored Lyana's face as she stared at her. Chalice knows that her actions were incomprehensible to them. Too sudden to be reasonable. But to hell with it. She can just attribute it to near-death enlightenment. All she wanted to do was make them feel her happiness at having them. She was truly happy to have parents again.

Lyana approached and enveloped them in a hug.

"Chalice dear, there's no need for thanks. You are our daughter. No matter what happens, we are here for you."

Chalice's tears welled up again. She was not alone anymore. This warmth that she had missed desperately, she was able to have again.

"I love you, Mom, Dad. I promise this time, I am not going to disappoint you again."

Her solemn tone caught the two off-guard. But they just smiled as they settled her down to the couch.

When her bout of emotions passed, Chalice knew it was time to get down to business. Enduring the embarrassment, she feels, she spoke.

"Dad, there is something that I must ask of you."

Chalice saw her father look at her mother curiously and then turned to her.

"What is it, Chalice?"

Chalice looked at him seriously and replied.

"Please mete out a punishment for my offense to the Crown Prince."