Impatient Chalice

"Chalice, you are going to have a sore back if you keep on slouching about like that. More so, it is also not good reading for hours on end. You need to give your eyes some rest. You're even missing meals. The Duchess is worrying about you, you know. At this rate, she might even fire the chef thinking that his cooking is not to your liking."

Chalice rolled her eyes at Lucy's nagging. She's even worse than her mother at times. She found it endearing but really, how fussy could they get?

It has been more than a week since her discussion with her father. He still has not called her for his decision. Chalice couldn't help but think that her father is stalling for time. But why would he even do that?

She did not have any problems with waiting. At least that's what she thought the first few days. After all, she also needed the time to acquaint herself with the new world she was in. The previous Chalice only had shallow knowledge of the essential information she needed, the rest were all about men. And she could care less about that.

Chalice cooped herself up in the library and binge-read the books. It was good that at least she had memories of the language and writing system of this place.

She found out that the continent she is in was divided into four empire regions: Ogen in the south, Aurora in the north, Maris in the west, and Idalia in the east. The regions have been relatively at peace for the past years. This is all due to the Alliance Imperiae created after the revolt of the four imperial nations against the previous ruling empire, Bahamut.

The Idalian empire where her father is the prime minister, is currently ruled by Claude Regis de Idalia and his empress Ana Myrcella de Idalia. Their son Troy Regis de Idalia was the crown prince whom she was chasing previously. Chalice saw a portrait of his in one of the history books she had read. Alas, she cannot understand what she saw in that guy.

Crown Prince Troy was handsome to boot, that's for sure. But he was the typical prince charming type. Nothing interesting there beside his pretty face, in her opinion. In fact, there was a sly and cunning in his eyes that put her off. If she had to put it in crude words, he was more of a snake than the dragon that signified royalty.

That aside, what surprised Chalice was that amongst the four regions, it was Idalia who followed the Bahamut's practice of monogamy. This made Chalice have a newfound respect for the royal family despite the shadiness of the heir to the throne. She abhorred the concubinage system and was glad that Idalia did not propagate such practices.

So far, Idalia's state of government affairs and economy were doing good. The empire made the most of the years recuperating from the war and it seemed as if it did not happen at all. Or at least that's how it is in the capital. After all, it can't be ensured that development is evenly distributed down to the farthest village of the empire. She was particularly skeptical of that, hence the reason that she also insists on going to their territory.

Also, other issues common in a feudalistic era such as this, were still rampant. But that aspect was to be expected. After all, this was unlike her previous world. The modern society of that time was built upon thousands and thousands of years of foundation. Idalia cannot compare to that.

Chalice also took note of the religion in this world. The Church of Yeshua encompassed all four regions. Despite the fall of the Bahamutian Empire, the Church was unaffected. They distanced themselves from the issues of the secular world. Only rendering services to the needy. She couldn't help but be suspicious and amazed at the same time. Seems like the power of religion was even more magnified in this timeline.

"Say, Lucy, how much longer do you think Father will take before coming up to a decision? There are only a few more books left for me to read in the library. Even if I ransacked the ones on Father's study, it would still not be enough."

Chalice was exasperated. She had nothing else of interest to do. Although Lyana asked her to go to the various tea parties and balls, Chalice found that tedious and boring. She could not tolerate even a minute of pretentious social interactions with those spoiled brats.

She was not generalizing though. It's just that most of the people who had given invitations were the people who often ridiculed her behind her back. The culprits of her infamous reputation.

The minority, on the other hand, were people whose intentions were to curry favor with their family using her as the channel.

Chalice does not plan on wasting her precious time with them. She'd much rather read, eat, sleep, and tease the maids and her snobbish knight in passing. Basically, just idle about in their manor.

"Well, it can't be helped Chalice. You don't want to attend to the balls and tea parties you were invited to. You are also too lazy to go around the capital. It would of course result in you having nothing to do."

She pouted at Lucy's patronizing tone. Chalice had nothing to say to that. It was not her fault that there are only a few considerable things that piqued her interest.

"I'd rather stay here than do those dreadfully boring things."

Chalice scoffed loudly while she closed the book she was reading. With that, her reading list was reduced by one again.

'Let's go to the training grounds and annoy Levi. That would be amusing.'