Reminiscing Her Past (2)

She felt relatively bored with everything. Even the missions that Chalice used to find thrilling have lost all their appeal. Until, she decided to try her hand on other things.

Chalice quit the organization, despite a lot of protests from her superiors. After all, she was their ace. In her 10 years on the organization excluding her two years of training, no mission assigned to her ever failed. It was all 100% ensured success. Not only that, she had a huge contribution to the growth of her fellow agents. Chalice was the one who devised their training regimen, modified the weapons, and even invented some. However, it was also because of this that she was not fully under their control. Her accomplishments overshadowed the charity they have given her by taking her in.

Immediately after quitting and dealing with the necessary arrangements such as clearing out her browser history... er other identity, Chalice took on the next thing she thought was interesting.

She became a doctor. With her connections to the government, it was easy for her to have her credentials. Chalice was already the doctor back then at the organization. It was one of those necessary lessons she took. But then again, her motivation waned. She also got bored playing with medicine.

The same scenario happened repeatedly. And Chalice had already tried multiple professions. After becoming a doctor, she also dabbled in the sciences, trying her hand on her parents' professions. But that too didn't last long.

Chalice also tried going back to university and took up other professions, all accelarated programs. Mineralogy, engineering and architecture, accounting and finance, language and literature, and even accounting and finance.

She even tried part-timing as waitress and a convenience store staff just because it seemed interesting. Ultimately, Chalice tried the corporate ladder but she couldn't take the pretentiousness so she quit, once again. All of this in a span of eight years.

When she woke up in another world, she felt none of the despair and fear. Chalice was merely a wanderer in the previous one. All her connections to that place have become superficial ever since her parents' death. She never had friends, only acquaintances and mostly enemies. It was already ingrained in her not to trust people after all she had gone through.

As a result of that, she died a virgin. Okay. That doesn't sound bad. It just meant that she never had a proper romantic relationship. Chalice knows how to flirt, how to covertly seduce men courtesy of her training. Sadly, no man had ever piqued her interest.

But in this world, Chalice had a loving family. She had something to protect. Something to prove for herself. A motivation. And a chance at love. A chance to settle her roots.

Chalice sighed as she reminisced everything that led her here. Other people in her position might still keep lingering feelings for their original world. In all honesty, she'd kill to have the convenience of technology again. But the cons outweighed the pros. She'd rather bring technology and modernism here than go back.

She stood up and looked at the scenic gardens of the estate.

'No skyscrapers and city skyline could beat this view.'

Chalice saw Luke and Levi walking.

'Well, now that is an even better view. Tsk. Tsk. The men in this world are hotter than the one on earth. What joy!'

Chalice snorted at her thought. She noticed them talking to some servants. They were busy preparing for the inspection. After she had perused all the account books, they would be going around the territory. Chalice specifically wanted this so she could see first hand the issues that needed to be fixed. She wanted to have an in-depth understanding of the fief if she wanted to make it progress. And secretly, she also wanted to do some sightseeing.

She stared at forms of the two men. They were in a sense contrasting. Levi had that effeminate look and demeanor with his petite stature. His long ash-blonde hair, hazel eyes, pert nose, and thin lips were all too much like a girls features. If it were not for the adam's apple in his thoat, people will no doubt assume him as a girl.

Luke on the other hand, was tall and firm like a proud bamboo. He wasn't burly. But Chalice was sure he had hard, muscles beneath those layers of clothes. His gentle features did not make him less manly. Instead, it gave of an aura of a celestial. Proud, unrelenting, yet brimming with purity and kindness. He looked serious but that just made people want to approach him more. Though, that was the usual observation of Luke, Chalice noticed a certain air mystery around him. Sometimes, Luke has this light in his eyes which contradicts greatly to his gentle demeanor. Chalice just usually shrugs it off. Everyone has their secrets.

"Alright Chalice, enough slacking off. You have got to finish reading these account books so you could go on an adventure."

She lazily stretched her arms before taking her seat again and burying her face to the stack of papers in her table.