If Not For Your Sake, Then For Mine

"Did you have fun, my lady?"

Chalice's reflexes went overdrive with shock and surprise. The hand which was holding a dagger slashed without hesitation at the direction of the chilling voice. But it never landed. Instead, her wrist was held in a steely grip.

She stiffened and mechanically turned her head to look at the handsome visage of Luke. His whole being emanated a chill that made Chalice involuntarily shiver. Luke's eyes glinted brightly with mixed emotions. She gulped and lowered her head. Her strength was sapped dry by those eyes. It made her feel... ashamed. Especially when she detected the worry and self-reproach in them.

'I'm dead. I'm so dead. He's super angry this time.'

Chalice panicked inside her head. She was aware of how protective Luke has been since the start of this trip. He handled her as if she was a delicate flower that would be ruined with so much of a touch. Chalice knew how he went crazy when she got lost. She could still hear Levi's blaming tone as she reprimanded her for Luke.

This midnight excursion stepped over his bottom line. Chalice only realized it now. And she couldn't help the guilt eating at her heart.

She heard Luke sigh loudly. His grip loosened up, her wrist was freed. He held her chin up to look at him. Chalice saw helplessness in her eyes. They were tinged with what seemed like... indulgence.

Was she seeing it wrong? Yes. In the first place, why would Luke direct that sort of ambiguously doting gaze at her, right?

Luke wiped a part of her cheek tenderly. She looked at him with confused eyes. What was he wiping?

"My lady, if you're going to go and have fun outside please make sure you don't get filthy. It's quite unbecoming."

'Oh no! Do I have blood on my face?'

Her heart skipped a beat at that thought. She can't have Luke asking questions now. She wouldn't know how to answer.

Chalice cursed those bunch of hooligans she encountered a while ago. So much for her bad luck. She infiltrated a courtyard within Janus Street. It was quite suspicious. Though no one would have thought so except for her. Chalice was able to obtain a few key evidences. However, as she was leaving, someone had discovered her. A fight inevitably broke out. Chalice quickly resolved it. Nevertheless, she had been so careful not to spill too much blood for it might give her away to Luke.

But those damned men were tough cookies. It actually took three strikes from her dagger before they went on their way to King Yama's palace.

Chalice didn't know what to say. She didn't have the courage to. Somehow, she already had an inkling that Luke was having doubts. However, he was much too honorably loyal to even question her.

She waited for his interrogation. A heated debate was going on in her head. What would she tell him?

"Lady Chalice, there is no need for you to explain yourself to me. I am your right hand. It is not within me to question you. I will move when and where you want me to. I will do what you ask me to. If you tell me to jump, I'll ask how high. If you tell me to go left, I'd forget that right even exists. I am yours to command and make use of."

Luke stared at her, his icy blue eyes carried a sense of pleading. Chalice was stupefied.

"I would appreciate it very much if you keep that in mind my lady. I am here for you to rely on. There's no need for you to venture out and put yourself in danger. You are my mistress. My reason for being. What am I to do if something happens to you? Please my lady, cherish yourself. If not for your sake, then for mine."

The desperation in Luke's tone caught Chalice off guard. His words repeated themselves in her mind, slowly being embedded in its recesses. An undeniable tremor of warmth wrapped up in her heart.

Why does she always forget that she wasn't alone anymore? That she no longer needs to do everything on her own? She had people who cares and protects her. The least she could do was make them feel that their efforts aren't futile.

Chalice breathed in deeply and met Luke's eyes. A genuinely warm smile, far from her usual languid and articial one, bloomed in her face causing Luke to suck up his breath.

"I'm sorry for worrying you Luke. And thank you. There are things that I cannot explain to you yet. Things that I cannot say. Give me time, alright? After all, you're going to be my cook for life."

She tried to slip in a little banter to lighten the atmosphere between them. Chalice heaved a sigh of relief when Luke loosened up and returned her smile with one of his own. He merely nodded at her reply.

"Erm...Can I go to sleep now, Luke? Both of us need the rest."

She asked tentatively at Luke. She was exhausted. All she wanted to do was lie down and sleep. Luke straightened up with a sigh.

"Alright, my lady. But before you hit the bed please wash up first. I'll make sure to prepare something warm for breakfast tomorrow."

She smiled at him and agreed promptly. Too tired to even notice the strange glint in Luke's eyes and the suspicious smirk in his lips. Just as she was about to open up the door to her room, she heard Luke call out.

"My lady, one more thing."

Chalice drowsily tilted her head to his direction, questioning.

"Although, I am glad that you have relinquished to my plea. I still cannot let this unaccounted for midnight outing of yours slide. I regret to say that there will be no more desserts for you until I decide otherwise."

After he finished his statement, Luke nonchalantly proceeded to his room. Not even giving the devastated her a second look.

Chalice felt that the heavens were really playing with her. No desserts! She won't get any desserts! Her heart was broken beyond repair. She stomped her feet as she entered her room. Her heart bitterly lamenting and cursing Luke's cruelty.

'I have been fooled! Give me back my compliments you meanie! Stupid Luke! You will be punished with this injustice! The foodie god will smite you with retribution!'