Fine Lines of the In-Between

Chalice was amazed at the village that was unfolded in front of her when she and the priestess got past the rows of the towering fruit trees. Thinking about it, Amaterasu wasn't just a simple village. It was as large as the Keyne stronghold and was even more fantastic.

It looked like a huge botanical garden except with cylindrically-shaped houses here and there. They were structure with polished bamboos and some kind of a metal. Each of the house had narrow corridors wrapping it around along with wooden shutters on top of sliding panels made of translucent paper and wooden frames. It was quite a wonder to behold. There were flourishing wisterias with branches overlapping creating a magical impression in the place. Chalice also saw a row of cherry blossom and plum trees.

There were bamboo patches sporadically in place casting a contrast to the pastels. The slabs of rock made a unique pathway to each of the houses, overall creating a harmonious feel. She felt at peace in this place. It was as if her very soul was being healed just by standing there.

She stood there dazed, admiring the beauty of nature that was hidden so deep in these mountain range beyond a thick wall of towering trees. If she wasn't seeing it for herself then, she would've argued endlessly that such a place cannot exist in the heart of the inner sanctuary of Zeru Mountain's beasts.

She passed by a few people who all greeted her politely. She returned it with all the courtesy she could muster. Though they looked at her curiously, especially at the two animals walking with her, they didn't pry and went their own ways.

'These people are pretty chill.' She thought to herself.

The priestess led her to a house similar to those she saw on their way. It was cylindrical but instead of green, it was white. There were three floors of it instead of two like the others. There was a huge archway before it that looked like a torii*. When they passed it by, she saw a well along with a zen garden and small bamboo fountain.

Upon seeing the inside, Chalice thought that the house was actually quite practical. The floors were made of woven rice straws which smelled quite pleasing. She saw the priestess slide open one of those panels of translucent papers with wooden frames that actually ran from floor to ceiling. It revealed the entire view of the garden to them. She gasped to herself in amazement, thinking she'll also make herself one of these back at her home.

But she stilled at that thought, feeling melancholy once again. She shook her head to rid herself of it and focused on observing the place. She sat cross-legged at the thin pillows lying neatly near a low table and waited for the priestess who left her after opening the sliding windows.

The Priestess went back after a few moments holding a tray of tea and steamed buns. Chalice's stomach growled loudly. She lowered her head in embarrassment when the lady laughed. She took the food when the priestess gave it to her and ate without remorse. All the while, Hikari just looked over her.

"Why am I here?"

She asked after finishing a few of the buns and sipping the last bit of her tea. The priestess cocked an eyebrow at her direction, a slight curve in her mouth seemingly finding this question amusing.

"Shouldn't you be asking yourself that? Why are you here?... What led you to this place?"

Hikari retorted at her. Chalice furrowed her brows and indulged her. She thought deeply to herself with only one answer coming to mind.

"Fear. Fear led me here. You see lady Hikari, before stumbling to your place I have just finished off and slaughtered an entire gang of bandits who have hurt my companions."

Chalice answered blankly as she stared at the garden laid in all its glory. She suppressed the morbid thoughts surfacing once again in her mind.

"You have gone through quite the ordeal, lady Chalice."

She gaped at the nonchalant priestess. Doesn't she care? Chalice has just told her that she committed countless murders. She's actually indiferrent about it. Is she really a priestess or they have different standards here?

"However, if you don't mind me asking. You were capable of taking down these dangerous men alone, yet why do you say you were led here because of fear?"

Alright, that's it. Chalice gave up trying to fathom the priestess' train of thought. She might as well not think too much about it. If she didn't care about her murdering these so-called dangerous men, she wouldn't as well. Chalice somehow forgot that the feudalistic world was a cruel place. The priestess was bound to be used to such claims. She looked up at her silver eyes and sighed as she answered.

"It wasn't fear of those men that made me leave, lady Hikari. It was fear of myself and the darkness which has consumed me."

There was a long while of silence between them. The resounding clink of Hikari putting down her teacup disturbed the solemn air.

"Do you truly believe yourself to be part of that darkness?"

Chalice nodded without hesitation. That was without a doubt. The tendrils of this hated stygian has thoroughly taken her soul. She couldn't possibly deny that. The priestess shook her head in her reply.

"Darkness is merely the absence of light, young lady. There is but a few who can be perfectly dark and perfectly light; entirely good and entirely evil. Humans are quaint creatures in a sense that they can never be completely dark or light, evil or good. They exist in the fine lines of the in-between. The gray areas. You told me that you killed those men with your own hands. But have you thought of why you killed them in the first place? You focused so much of your attention to the act of taking their lives and felt guilt because of it. Yet you completely disregarded the fact that if you haven't done what you did, you and your companions would have been dead under them."

The priestess held her hand. The sudden warmth of her long, slender fingers and smooth palm jolted her rigid body. Her soft voice echoed in her ears, straight into her heart.

"You say you are consumed by darkness, that's because you haven't found your light yet."