Akai Ito Bracelets

Chalice, oblivious to the nearing presence of her right-hand man was currently enjoying a bath in the open air hot spring courtesy of the priestess. Despite being hard to figure out and spouting mysteries now and then, the Amaterasu Priestess, Hikari, is actually quite likeable. Minus all of the profoundness surrounding her, she was quirky and witty without losing her elegant flair.

Although, Chalice was thoroughly shocked when she saw her wine collection. She found it a bit funny when Hikari called her specific favorite, saké* of courage, as to why, Chalice didn't really want to know. She assumed it was just one of Hikari's quirks. After bragging about it for about half an hour, Hikari forced her into agreeing to drink with her while they view the moon later on tonight. Or in Hikari's case, feel the moonlight.

As for now, she currently reveled in the feeling of the warm, relaxing water. She was a bit tired with going around the whole tribe. Amaterasu lived up to first impressions. It was truly a breathtaking place. Chalice even planned to adopt some of the things she saw and put it up at the Amaranth Manor. Such as the zen garden and the bamboo fountain. She also begged Hikari for wisterias which she could propagate. She also wanted an open air bath but it seems that one needs a bit more thought into it.

She sighed and then shook her head after a while. As much as possible, Chalice didn't want to think of anything related to them for now, lest her thoughts took another dark turn. She knew she needed to go back. After all, she didn't want to get others in trouble because of her. Not to mention, her parents might go berserk with her disappearance. But for now, she just desperately wanted to relish this time for herself.

Chalice looked up at the night sky. The moon was starting to come up to its zenith along with the stars which twinkled like shards of diamonds. So much has already happened to her and yet it seemed only yesterday when she transmigrated here. She thought being another person would get rid of her nightmares. Of the depression and anxiety she had back in that life. Well, she hoped it would.

She didn't want to admit her condition. Even if it was glaring at her in the eyes. She didn't want to admit that even now she had difficulty sleeping. Why can't this world have sleeping pills? Chalice was seriously tired.

'Well, thinking about it, not having sleeping pills is a good thing too. At least, I won't die because of it again.'

She smiled bitterly. So much for not thinking about anything. Her reverie was broken when she heard the sweet voice of Hikari.

"Chalice, get out of there already. I feel the moon's warm light and hear my sake calling out for us. Hurry up, will you?"

Chalice shook her head at Hikari's antics. The entire day of spending time together made them closer. Hence, the absolution of formalities. For Chalice, Hikari was a breath of fresh air. A totally different kind of girl friend compared to the motherly Lucy. She was also quite amazed at her. Hikari was obviously blind but her perception and other senses were heightened to an extreme. It reached the point that Chalice even forgot she was blind in the first place.

"Alright. Alright. You didn't have to rush me."

She replied as she rose up from the warm water. Chalice draped herself in the cotton towel that was conveniently left there at the side. After drying herself, she took up the clothing that Hikari prepared for her. It was a traditional Amaterasu attire. Chalice thought it was similar to the Japanese yukata* except this one was more elaborate with its embellishments.

The robe had a satiny finish. It was black with countless life-like blooming red poppies imprinted on it. It made her already fair and snow white skin even fairer. Chalice left her hair as it is, her dark wavy locks blending with the robes.

Hikari's blank eyes gaped at the sky as an enchanting beauty slowly made her way towards her. Chalice was like the night blooming cestrum slowly unfurling her petals under the moon beams. A shadow of a smile hovered in her red lips, mysterious and alluring.

"You've already started, seriously?"

Chalice's husky voice rang out in the air. Hikari gave her a smirk as she poured sake on a small cup. There was also a serving of aromatic roasted meat chopped up into cubes. As well as pickled papayas. Chalice took a bite of each before drinking from her cup.

Hikari's sake was sweet and had a little bit of fruity tone to it as well as a pleasing aftertaste. It's warmth reached to the pit of her stomach and gave Chalice a pleasant feeling. She can totally understand why Hikari is so fond of it.

"This is so good. Can you gift me a bottle?"

She asked the priestess delightedly. Hikari chuckled at her as she put down her cup.

"I'll add that to the gift I'll be giving you. But just one bottle, alright?"

Chalice tilted her beautiful head at her. Gift? Hikari was giving her a gift? Whatever for? She saw the priestess take out an exquisite brocade box and pushed it into her hands. She looked at it for a short while before opening it slowly.

The box contained a pair of black meteorite bracelet gleaming softly under the moonlight. It was polished to perfection, almost mirror-like. However, precisely in the middle of the bracelets runs a contrasting blood red line. Each of the lines congealed into circular bead. These beads were clasped tightly together, joining the two bangles together.

Chalice ran a finger to the smooth surface of the jewelry. It felt cold under her touch but strangely comforting. Its delicate simplicity nevertheless awed her.

"What is this, Hikari? It's absolutely breathtaking." She asked awestruck. Hikari smiled at her with indulgence before taking the pair of bracelets in her hands.

"These are Akai Ito bracelets. Take it as a meeting gift from me. One is for you to wear and the other, you must give to the person you believe will stay with you under any circumstances. Give it to your light, Chalice."

Chalice nodded. Her focus so intent on the magnificent bracelets that she didn't hear the last part of Hikari's statement.

Her thoughts swirled around the person she was thinking of giving it to. The moment Hikari said she should give the bracelet to the person whom she believed will never leave her, only one came up to her mind. She couldn't help but smile at the thought. Perhaps with this, that certain nanny would lift his ban on her desserts.

"Thank you so much, Hikari. They look one of a kind. I'll treasure them dearly."

Hikari chuckled at her before returning the bracelets to her. With a smug smile she turned her head to the view once again.

"Of course, they are one of a kind. The Akai Ito bracelets that our tribe makes will only match specifically with their sole pair. So even if you try to stick it to another Akai Ito bracelet, it will only repel it. It will only adhere to the one it is made for."