Thunder Horse Emperor

Chalice and company walked towards the bonfire. A man whose form hovered between plump and burly met them with a huge smile. She surmised that this was the Valley Head. He has that friendly uncle look going on, totally fitting for someone who would prepare a banquet for passing travelers. Her conjecture was confirmed when he greeted them in a cheerful, booming voice.

"Friends! Come, come and sit here. I'll have the food serve a while later. For now, please watch some of my people's songs and dances. It is their way to welcome you."

He directed them to sit on a dais which had small tables set upon it. Chalice copied him and sat cross-legged. Luke and the others did the same. After they were seated, some girls went around and put on garlands of flowers on them. For the men it was in the form of a necklace. But for her, the garland was fastened into a crown. She giggled lightly at this, appreciating the thoughtfulness of these cute people.


Unknown to her, Luke was staring at her face which was illuminated by the fire with an emotion that can only be called as love. Luke watched the flickering fire reflected in her eyes. With the addition of the flower crown on her head, she look very much like a fairy disguising as a human to grace them with her presence.

He savored every single time that she was preoccupied and unaware. It was only his chance to look at her without masking his emotions. Without hiding how much he loved her. Because once she turned and looked at him, he needed to return to being only a confidant.


Levi looked helplessly at the hopeless man staring at his mistress. Somehow, he felt pity and admiration for Luke. It wasn't easy for someone like him who fell in love with the person he was supposed to serve. It made it difficult to hold back because the person was so close yet so far away.

Having your beloved near you everyday and yet forcing yourself to kill the love you were feeling was even more painful than torture. Levi could emphatize with him all too well. He shook his head and chose to ignore him. He didn't want unpleasant memories surfacing again. This was the least he could do for a kindred spirit.


Chalice clapped along with the beat of the small drums. She must say, these Wind Valley people knew how to party. The women were exceptional dancers as well. And their music was really catchy.

After two rounds of dances, the Village Chief asked for the food to be served. Chalice sighed and turned pitifully at Luke. She wanted to eat what he cooked. Luke merely smiled helplessly at her while rubbing her head for comfort.

"Be good. It will be impolite to our hosts if you ignore their food. I'll cook for you the first thing tomorrow."

He said to her indulgingly. Chalice puffed her cheeks but conceded. It wasn't her fault okay? Luke's cooking was simply out of this world. She dared claim that it was even better than the dishes made by those Michelin starred chefs back on Earth.

However, just as they were about to eat. A commotion shattered the merry atmosphere. Loud neighs and the thundering sounds of hooves rang out. Chalice stood abruptly. There was no mistake about it. That sound came from her beloved stallion.

Just as she had formed this conclusion, the majestic form of a Thunder horse entered the Valley Square. Chalice then heard collective gasps of surprise from the people. There were even some who stumbled to the ground upon seeing the horse. Chalice frowned but did not put too much thought about it. They must have been too shocked. After all, Thunder Horses were rare.

Instead, Chalice hastily ran up to the restless Onyx. She was the only one who could calm him, after all. She took out a cubed sugar but in her rush she tripped on a small rock and fell down, scraping her arm in the process. She heard Luke's cry of alarm which she disregarded entirely.

She needed to appease the horse or else it might run rampant and hurt these fluffy people. She approached Onyx with a small smile, not minding the stinging pain in her arm or the ticklish feeling of the blood running down in it.

She reached her uninjured hand to the horse and affectionately rubbed its head.

"There, there Onyx. You've been restless since a while ago. Why have you run out here? Did you miss me?"

The horse neighed lowly and rubbed its face back to the palm of her hand. However, a surprisingly familiar scenario unfolded in her eyes.

Onyx bowed its head down, sniffing the scrape in her arm. Then without so much of a warning, he licked the scrape and the slight blood dripping from it. Afterwards, the horse went on its knees bowing in front of her.

Chalice was agaped. What is this? Why does it feel like this has happened before? Right. Aslan also did this. She stiffened as it dawned on her. Chalice didn't dare continue the thought for it was too scary. But that doesn't mean others would spare her feelings.

A hoarse whisper floated out from the silence which had blanketed the entire square.

"T-Thunder Horse Emperor. It's a-a... royal's the Thunder Horse Emperor. The lady has... contracted with him."

Chalice snapped her head to the direction of the voice. Her suspicion was confirmed and she didn't whether to laugh or cry about it. It seems like the horse she randomly tamed at the plains was actually a royal beast like her Aslan. And this particular beast seemed really important to these people seeing the prostrating form of the Valley Chief directed unto her.