The Sobriety That Morning Brings

Chalice squinted her eyes at the bright light of the morning sun passing through the murky white of the window panels. She stretched lazily and savored the fresh feeling of having a really good night's sleep. Now that was a first. And Chalice couldn't help but enjoy the pleasantness of it.

However, just as she was relishing the feeling, memories of the night before flooded her brain. Chalice went rigid. Multiple explosions suddenly went off somewhere in her mind without much warning.

'Oh my goodness! Chalice, what have you done?'

She blanked out just as she had registered that thought. She remembered how she downed cup after cup of the saké, unaware that she was pushing herself further and further in its sweet trap.

Luke! That's right. Luke came. Luke found her. And then... And then... Oh god! What an embarrassment!

Chalice would have rejoiced and feel moved at his arrival. But when she remembered how she clung to him like a freaking human leech, she couldn't help but cringe at herself.

What was more frustrating was that she actually pulled the poor guy and embraced him like a darn koala. That was equivalent to practically molesting him. Chalice blushed profusedly when she remembered how close Luke's face was. She recalled the feeling of his hard, chiseled back under her palms. Steam was practically coming out of Chalice's head at this point.

And then, another blow struck her hard.

Her conversation with Luke played itself out repeatedly in her head. Chalice's breathing quickened as a sudden realization took over her mind. But she vehemently shook her head. How could such an idea be possible? Was Luke unaware of the implications of his words? He was clearly sober though. So he might really be serious about it.

Chalice refused to continue that particular thought. She'll just treat it as the perpetually ignored elephant in the room.

"Morning, my lady." Luke's warm and honey-like voice sounded out on her ear.

Chalice stiffened as she was roused up from her daze. She almost screamed though she was able to bite her tongue on time. She mechanically turned her head in the direction of the door. Her mind hitting overdrive with her panic.

'Curse you, Drunk Chalice! Curse you!'

'I'm never drinking again.'

'Hikari, you meanie! Why'd you make me drink so much?...Oh wait. I was the one who begged to drink more. Ugh! Can I freaking flip a table right now?!'

'That's it. I'll pretend that I don't remember anything. That would make things less awkward.'

'Nothing happened, Chalice. Nothing happened. You're cool. You're calm. You're fine. You can do this!'

Swirling thoughts plagued her mind but Chalice focused on the last one, chanting it like a talisman. She forced a surprised face and directed it at Luke. It wasn't really hard to do that since she really was surprised and about to go out of her darn, freaking mind.

"L-Luke? You're here? How did you find me?" She asked, her tone forced. Chalice didn't miss the disappointment that passed through Luke's eyes when she asked those questions that signified she forgot all about last night.

Nevertheless, it disappeared just as quickly as it came. Luke recovered himself and smiled his usual smile at her.

"I scoured the entire mountain for you, my lady. Until I stumbled upon this tribe. Luckily, you haven't left yet and here we are. How are you feeling, my lady? Are you hungry? Do you want to eat now or freshen up first?"

Luke was being his usual helicopter nanny self. But Chalice couldn't help but sense something different. She just couldn't pinpoint what. She shook her and focused at the situation at hand.

"I'll wash up first if it's alright." Chalice said with a trace of hesitation. Luke merely nodded and then proceeded to the adjacent bathroom that was in the room.

Chalice heard him fill up the tub with water and the ruffles of towels and clothes being unraveled.

She was lost in another reverie when he called out to her saying that she could now wash up. Luke then held out the door and waited for her to enter.

When Chalice reached his side, a metallic luster caught her eyes. There, in Luke's wrist is an inconspicuous meteorite bracelet which was polished to perfection. A contrasting red line embedded in its middle. It was exactly one of the pair of Akai Ito bracelets that Hikari gifted her.

'Oh, right. I basically forced the bracelet on to him last night.' Chalice remembered.

Luke noticed her pause and then followed the direction of her eyes. He coughed uneasily and began to explain to her.

"This... I'm sorry, my lady. You insisted that I put it on last night. You were even angry when I tried to take it off. I'll return it right away." He hurriedly clarified.

Chalice shook her head at this and gave him a small smile. She could understand why her drunk self got mad when he tried to remove it. The bracelet looked as if it was purposely made for Luke's wrist. It matched him well.

"No need. It suits you. And I meant to give it to you anyway. So, keep it." She said curtly and entered the bathroom without giving the man another glance. This cut off whatever protest Luke was about to raise. Thus he could only sigh helplessly as he gazed at the bracelet in his hands.

The man surmised that Chalice was still clueless as to the real significance of the bracelet. But he also couldn't help but feel blissful when she told him that she had planned to give it to him in the end. Luke felt joy knowing that it was meant for him.

Chalice, meanwhile, dipped her entire face into the basin of water. First, to calm her darn raging mind and second, to cover up the heat flushing her face red.

She had always known how good-looking and pleasant-smelling Luke was. Chalice has always been fond of his scent. And when that minty chocolate fragrance assailed her nose a while ago, she couldn't help but sniff discreetly. Her whole being heating up as she engulfed herself in it. Her mind recalled the heavenly sensation of having Luke in her embrace.

It was official. She has become a pervert.

Chalice chided herself. She needed to remain sane and rational. She let out a loud sigh, her eyes looking down.

However, there in her snow white wrist was the other half of the Akai Ito bracelet on Luke's hand. She stared at it complicatedly. It reminded her of a trend back on Earth. It certainly was similar to having couple bracelets. Couple, huh? The thought of her having the other pair of the jewelry Luke has, brought a strange feeling to her heart. Novel and unexpected.

It was a concept she has never once encountered in both her lifetimes.

The concept of love.