Grand Heist (3/3) (R18)

"A unarmed Republic agent will enter the building now to make the trade, Once the trade has been completed the agent will leave and you are free to go to the spaceport and leave the planet"

Xim smiled at the holo transmitter that described what their plan of action was, he could already sense a large group of Republic troopers waiting for him outside the room and a few Jedi hidden in the far side of the building near the exit. The agent walked into the office and placed the black briefcase with the credits in it, Xim smiled and said" You can have the General however if anything goes wrong she will die before any of the troops or Jedi that has hidden outside can even blink. I just want to take my money and go, this could have been avoided if you just let us have dinner and visit a temple however your commanders were stupid and picked a fight."

Xim lifted himself up off the chair and gently placed Lilith on the ground, he looked at her and said" Ready for some fun? Be ready for anything, we are in the most secure building on the capital of the Republic and unlike the Empire, we can't just blow it up with a ship, not yet anyway."

Lilith laughed at this and said" I'm ready when you are, lets go and give them hell"

Xim and Lilith's remarks caused general Garza to angrily stamp her feet, she was about to move to hit Xim when she felt the hilt of the clone's lightsaber tap her onto her stomach, this instantly calmed her down, she remembered that she could die at any second if Xim willed it. They progressed out of the office and out towards the exit and just as Xim had expected, the entire area was blocked off, there were troops blocking the main as well as all the side exits, all of them aiming at Xim and Lilith which caused Xim to laugh and remark" You have 1 minute to clear out of the way and let us go, the Jedi on Tython didn't tell you about my secret weapon it seems, I can create a Force clone who is a semi-sentient being powered by my connection to the force, he is currently holding a lightsaber to the General's throat, her head as well as of all of yours will roll if I can't leave this planet."

As soon as he stopped speaking a red laser light drifted up and stopped on the side of his skull. the General smiled and said" Havoc squad be prepared to take the shot, do not let this Sith leave the planet alive, even if I have to die, you have to exterminate this threat here and now."

Xim smiled and said "You have selected the wrong choice, Clone do not kill her just knock her out, we may need her when we run out of money, I'm sure the empire will buy her off us if needed. Lilith it's time for us to dance to the tune of death, you take the sniper, his commander and the troops up top. Leave Havoc, squad, alive they are needed to keep the Sith empire in check, I will deal with the grunts on the bottom floor alongside my clone."

Lilith turned on her new lightsaber, it was time to christen her weapon, the purple coloured weapon illuminated her robe as she disappeared and reappeared next to the startled Cathar sniper, she immediately began to force choke him into submission and when he landed on the floor she hit him over the back of the head with her lightsaber hilt immobilising him.

The Commander of Havoc squad began to fire his high impact rounds at Lilith which she deflected with relative ease, her progress in her master form was amazing, her defence was not enough to deal with an experienced Jedi master however blasters were a piece of cake for her. She began to close the distance extremely quickly, she appeared in front of the Commander and hit him in the stomach before running along the wall and kicking him in the back of the legs forcing him to the ground and then stamped on his head knocking him out.

She then switched to neutralisation of the troops around her, she used the same move as she did against the dark Jedi, she began to channel lightning in mass and made it spiral around her. She walked towards the group of scared troopers and spread her arms outwards, as if responding to her will the lightning surrounded the troops and began to make a vortex. Unlike the one used on the Dark Jedi however this vortex was created with the intention to kill not capture, the vortex began to slowly close inwards and it started to swallow the troops whole, slowly eating away at their skin, paralysing them in place, charring the skin and leaving none of them alive.

After doing as Xim asked she looked down at the bottom floor what she saw even surprised her.

While Lilith was doing fine work upstairs, Xim walked in front of one of the troops guarding the front entrance and asked him "Do you have a wife and kids?"

The trooper was shocked but responded "Yes, I have a wife and 2 sons" Xim smiled and said" Interesting, anyone else here have any kids or a wife?"

Around three-quarters of the troops in front of Xim said that they had a family waiting for them at home. Xim looked them all in their eyes one by one before saying " If you don't back down now, your wife will be telling your kids that daddy won't be coming home today. I don't want to do that to your families, my beautiful council member has done that to enough children don't add your family to those families who will feel the pain tonight. I will just take my money and leave, you can keep the General, this is however a one time deal all of those who put their weapons down and move aside can live. Those who stay in my way will fall for your glorious Republic."

Most of the troops placed their weapons on the floor and moved to the side, they began to encourage those who didn't move to reconsider however they were stubborn to their end. Xim lightly threw his hand out towards them and their bodies were pierced by the force, holes appeared were their hearts used to be and the scene caused some of the remaining troops to shudder in fear. Xim moved towards the dead troops and said "We all come from the force and may you return to begin your life anew, Lilith is time to go, I think we have overstayed our welcome on our trip to Coruscant, lets head to the Outer Rim for a bit, my treatment in the Core Worlds has been pretty bad."

Lilith nodded her head and jumped down from the floor she was on, lightly using force push on the ground to slow her descent, when she got on the ground she walked over to Xim and placed her arm around his and they left the Senate building and made their way into the docking area.

They passed the same clerk as before and Xim approached her and apologised, saying" Turns out you were wrong to let us in, killed a lot of republic troops today and for that I apologise, wanted to let you know, well we will be leaving now, I recommend you leave this planet sooner rather than later. The Sith empire will most likely return, I wish you the best, goodbye".

Xim and Lilith walked back into their shuttle, they then proceeded to board their ship. Xim pulled Lilith into her room before saying"We didn't manage to get dinner but as soon as I set our next destination, we can begin your reward."

As he turned to leave Lilith pulled him back and gave him a quick but strong kiss before whispering "Be quick, I want my reward now".

Xim laughed, kissed her back and walked towards the cockpit, he selected the destination of Nar Shaddaa, he needed to hide from the Republic for a while as well as buy some slaves and guards to build his order on Dantooine.

((Nsfw If underage/ don't like this stuff skip this part of the chapter)

Xim walked back to Lilith's room to find her in the shower, this made him smile as he 'took' his robes off and walked into her bathroom, the scene in front of him immediately got his heart racing. Lilith was bending over to pick up her shampoo, giving Xim a perfect view of her fabulous butt, he had a perfect idea of how to introduce himself into the scene in front of him.

He used Force cloak to hide his physical presence and move behind her, crouching down he placed his face right behind her and took a deep breath of her fragrance that was filling the air. No longer able to resist, Xim waited for her to slightly spread her legs before licking her from the base of her pussy up to her cute little cherry on top. The sudden stimulation caused Lilith to moan erotically, filling the room with the sound of her voice, this further aroused Xim who decided to begin his work on her nether regions with a renewed vigour.

He began his new set of attacks with a quick suck on her little cherry before taking a long lick of her folds, moving down her pussy before slowly inserting his tongue into her. Lilith began moaning more frequently than before as she began to have a small orgasm, the bucking of her body caused Xim's tongue to slip out of her, causing her to moan again.

Xim feeling like his work was far from done, tried to take things to a new level, he turned of his cloak and slowly kissed up her body, paying extra attention to her belly button, taking long licks around it before moving his head upwards and latching it onto one of her nipples. His left hand began to slowly drag itself up her body before landing on her other nipple, he alternated which nipple he had in his mouth as well as what he did to the said nipple, some times he would bite it gently, he would suck on it aggressively and bite it hard as well.

He played the line between pain and pleasure very well, gauging her reactions and deciding what her limit would be as she began to lightly shake again, he moved his mouth up from her nipple to her mouth, leaving a mark on her neck as he moved upwards.

He kissed her passionately before whispering "Today I'm going to have both of your holes."

Lilith began to speak in protest but to her surprise whenever she opened her mouth he would forcefully kiss her, not giving her a chance to protest. Lilith admitted defeat bashfully saying" What's yours is mine and what's mine is yours."

Xim smiled at her before turning her around as he began to kiss down her back towards her ass cheeks. He gently opened them to reveal the jewel inside, he began to stare causing Lilith to blush furiously before saying"Please don't stare its really emab"

Before she could finish her sentence Xim had dived into her hole tongue first, the extreme stimulation coming out of nowhere cause Lilith's legs to give way and her body to begin to fall. Xim caught her and whispered into her ear "We will have to ease you into that sort of play, for now, we will take a small break and carry on later."


He kissed her and carried her back to the bed, she fell asleep almost instantly, Xim smiled at her and knelt at the end of the bed, entering a state of meditation.

Name: Xim Taa

Race: Pure Sith

Title: Patience

Level 7: 2000 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 60 Agility: 61 Charisma: 41 Intelligence: 44 Willpower: 60

Skills: Juyo Form: 85 Balanced form: 105 All other forms: 60 Force Mastery: 90 Dark side mastery: 90 Light side mastery: 55 Grey Side mastery: 90 Constitution of the watcher: 60

Abilities: Force choke: 45 Force lightning: 50 Mind Trick fear: 10 Mind Trick (Light); 60 Cure/heal: 40 Force push: 30 Force Cloak: 50 Force Pierce: 75 Force sever: 50 Force Clone: 80

Name: Lilith

Race: Chiss

Title: Lust

Level 6: 5000 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 47 Agility: 50 Charisma: 39 Intelligence: 44 Willpower:38

Skills: Juyo form: 70 Balanced form: 50 Dark side mastery: 90 Light side mastery: 50 Grey side Mastery: 20

Abilities:: Force choke: 60 Force lightning : 90 Heal: 30 Force Push: 60 Force pierce: 2 Force Clone:5 Force sever:10