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This is a quick rundown of a few locations that will be very important to the story going forwards, it will be moved to the Auxillary chapters later.


During the peak of the Great Galactic War, the planet's peace and tranquillity was shattered by a full-scale Sith Empire invasion. The Sith quickly overwhelmed the local defence forces and took the entire royal family hostage. In response, a Republic and Jedi task force launched a swift counter-offensive against the Sith; recapturing the planet and inflicting a heavy defeat on the Sith.

As a consequence of the Sith invasion, the Alderaanian leadership adopted a hardline militarist stance towards the Sith Empire in the Galactic Senate. In 3653 BBY, the Treaty of Coruscant ended the decades-long conflict in favour of the Sith Empire, which had earlier launched a devastating attack on the galactic capital Coruscant. In protest, Senator Gaul Panteer, the Alderaanian Crown Prince, walked out of the Senate and withdrew Alderaan from the Republic.

The crown prince's actions created much division in Alderaan. While many supported his actions, others were outraged by the secession from the Republic. The crisis worsened with the assassination of the prince and the death of his mother a few days later. The Alderaanian Parliament was quickly torn apart by infighting between rival houses. A bloody civil war quickly ensued when one of these houses attempted a military coup.


Following the destruction of the Cron Cluster and the ensuing ruination of Ossus, the Jedi Order had relocated to Coruscant; records of Tython's existence survived to this point, and notation of Sith experiments on the planet was made in the Archives of the Jedi Temple. Terrific beasts called terentateks, the product of alchemy were loosed on Tython and were deemed monstrous abominations that posed as an affront to the Force by the Jedi High Council. Charging members of the Order to hunt down the creatures and execute them with extreme prejudice, the High Council initiated the Great Hunt, allowing any who wished to join in the purge to participate. Among other worlds, Tython was cleansed in 3994 BBY, ridding the ancient Jedi homeworld of the terentatek threat.

Soon after the Great Hunt ended, hyperlanes to the planet collapsed and the world was left abandoned for several centuries. Tython had not been forgotten, however; new hyperlanes into the Deep Core were paved in 3651 BBY by Jedi Knight Satele Shan in the wake of the Sacking of Coruscant by the reconstituted Sith Empire. Leading Jedi scouts to reclaim the world, Shan reestablished a Jedi presence on the world, making Tython the Order's fortress world during the Cold War between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic.

In the same time period, a group of Twi'lek Pilgrims landed on the world and established a small settlement near the Jedi headquarters. Constructing their Temple near the ruins of Kaleth, the Jedi kept their distance from the illegal Twi'lek settlement despite pleas from the Matriarch to assist in warding off Flesh Raiders.


The Great Galactic War broke out between the Galactic Republic and the resurgent Sith Empire in 3681 BBY and lasted until 3653 BBY. Towards the end of the war, the Sith surprised the galaxy and extended an offer of peace to the Republic. Although cautious of the Empire's intentions, the Republic's Galactic Senate accepted.

While Republic and Imperial delegations convened on Alderaan for treaty negotiations, Sith Lord Darth Angral led a Sith battle fleet to Coruscant and initiated the Sacking of Coruscant. Their first contact was made with the Coruscant Security Force's Orbital Security Station Six which the Sith quickly obliterated. They then began their invasion of the planet. Sending a stolen Republic shuttle to the Jedi Temple, the Sith broke through and engaged the Jedi who were present as well as the Temple Security Force. However, the Jedi were overwhelmed and Coruscant's defenses were brought down, allowing the Sith to land their troops. The Sith took the Senate Building and the Supreme Chancellor was assassinated. Six members of the Jedi Council were also killed in the battle, while the Jedi Temple itself was destroyed.

With Coruscant securely in their grip, the Empire was able to take command of the negotiations on Alderaan, forcing the Republic delegation to sign the controversial Treaty of Coruscant. Although it brought an end to the Great Galactic War, the treaty set the stage for the Cold War.

More to be added later.