Meeting a Duke (1/2)

Xim got Rathari and as they went to leave the ship, he turned to him and said" When we are in public, Refer to me as The Watcher, I do not want my true title to be revealed yet."

Rathari nodded his head and they both left the ship as they walked towards the elevator to the main area of the spaceport, they were greeted by a squadron of House Organa troops lead by two Jedi commanders. Upon making eye contact with the two Sith before them, the Jedi ignited their Lightsabers and commanded the troops to get in a formation that would give them a clean shot on the Sith.

Rathari went to ignite his own lightsaber but was stopped by Xim who turned to the Jedi and said" I have received permission from Duke Organa to land here and approach the palace, I do not want conflict so please don't make me."

He then turned to the commandos who were behind the Jedi and said" Duke Organa gave me permission to land on this planet and I plan to go and visit him. Are you loyal to house Organa or the Jedi? I believe your Duke holds more pressure over you no? Please, I don't want this to turn hostile, respect your Duke's wishes and allow me to pass."

The commandos, unsure of what to do, looked at the Jedi and then at the uniforms they were wearing and moved out of formation to the sides, creating room for Xim and Rathari to walk through.

Xim smiled and said," Thank you for understanding, the fact you value the words of your duke more than a foreign influence means there is hope for this planet yet."

Xim then walked past the Jedi as slightly bowing to them as he passed, Rathari followed closely behind him only for one of the Jedi to lose his cool and shout

" So what if you have the Duke's permission, you are a Sith and it is my duty as a knight of the Jedi Order to stop your plans here on Alderaan."

Xim just shook his head and said:" If you want to stop me then try however we know that will be an act of aggression on an accepted diplomat to the Duke, driving a wedge between him and the Jedi, please, don't make this harder than it needs to be."

One of the knights stepped forward and ignited his blade, "Where was this pacifism when you cut the arm of my master off on Tython?"

XIm smiled 'Makes sense, he sees this as personal, wants revenge for his master, so I see rash choices fucking me again.'

As the Knight swung at Xim, he stood to the left, side-stepping him. tripping him as he passed, turning to the other Knight Xim remarked" I have changed since my days on Tython while less than 3 months ago, things have happened, choices have been made. I do not want to fight him, I will be forced to kill him if this goes on any longer."

The second knight nodded his head, moving towards his friend, he began to talk him down as Xim turned to the commandos.

"Please may you escort us to the palace, it would be better if events like these are kept to a minimum so I can complete my business and leave quickly. I have other things I need to attend too."

'Made a mental note of that Jedi, he can be crafted into a tool to use in my invasion, need to loosen his screws a little more before then, shouldn't be too hard considering his apparent hatred for me. I unlock my second master after I gain influence over a planet, right? I wonder who that is.'

Xim thought as he walked through the cold city, the lack of population concerned Xim, he asked the Commandos and they simply smiled and dodged the question.

'I guess it is better to keep the civilians away from areas that are likely to be attacked by the enemy especially ones that contain Sith who don't care who they kill.'

As they turned a corner, Xim could see two large staircases that lead into a massive palace, the banners of the house hung from the walls of the Palace. Noting the large droid presence and the scattering of guards around the palace and the stairways, Xim made sure to take note of their positions, should he need to storm this place in the future.

"Rathari that's an impressive palace, right? Makes our home look like an abandoned temple in comparison."

Rathari stopped walking and looked at Xim in confusion, since they landed here, his entire demeanour had changed, his aggressive and bold one replaced with a diplomatic and open one. He was sure Xim would try and kill the Jedi, that's why he went for his saber, only to be told by Xim not to attack, now his master was standing here paying compliment to their potential enemy's home. Something must have happen reasoned Rathri but what could have changed him to this extent. One thought echoed through his mind

'Is Lilith pregnant?'

Holocron Display>

Name: Xim Taa

Race: Pure Sith

Title: The Watcher

Level 7: 2000 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 60 Agility: 61 Charisma: 41 Intelligence: 44 Willpower: 60

Skills: Juyo Form:95 Balanced form: 115 All other forms: 80 Force Mastery: 100 Dark side mastery: 90 Light side mastery: 80 Grey Side mastery: 90 Constitution of the watcher: 65

Abilities: Force choke: 55 Force lightning: 80 Mind Trick fear: 60 Mind Trick (Light); 60 Cure/heal: 40 Force push: 30 Force Cloak: 100 Force Pierce:95 Force sever: 60 Force Clone: 110

Name: Lilith

Race: Chiss

Title: Lust

Level 6: 5000 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 47 Agility: 50 Charisma: 39 Intelligence: 44 Willpower:38

Skills: Juyo form: 70 Balanced form: 50 Dark side mastery: 90 Light side mastery: 60 Grey side Mastery: 40

Abilities:: Force choke: 60 Force lightning : 90 Heal: 30 Force Push: 60 Force pierce: 20 Force Clone:20 Force sever:20

Name: Rathari

Race: Sith


Level 3: 1200exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 35 Agility: 25 Charisma: 20 Intelligence: 30 Willpower:38

Skills: Juyo form:25 Dark side mastery: 50 Light side mastery:50

Abilities:: Force choke: 40 Force lightning : 30 Heal/cure: 20 Force push: 30