The Day We Met

January 5

First Saturday of the Second Semester of the School Year 2013-2014 - freshmen year. An attractive yet boyish young lady in a loose white printed shirt and fitted black jeans walking to school early in the morning at around 7:30 for an early class, was complaining to herself why she was the only one among her group of friends that was separated.

"This is so frustrating! Why do I have to be the unlucky one!? Why do they all have the afternoon schedule while I get to be on the morning?! I am so gonna let my mom make an excuse letter that I must be shifted to the afternoon class to be with my friends! Yeah! That's not a bad idea at all..." she said to herself before she got to her designated room while remembering that their professor mentioned that they could be transferred to the afternoon schedule instead if they have the morning and vice versa, if and ONLY if, there was a legitimate excuse letter from the parents that you are not available during the assigned time for you.

As she enters, she can see that most of her classmates are already or was already acquainted with each other to begin with. While scanning the room, she feels more frustrated than she already was since she doesn't even recognize a single person from any of them. Being an outcast as she is, she went to the seat on the second to the last row beside the window to sit and wait for their professor to come in.

The professor then came moments later and starts the class, but in between the professor's discussion, a handsome, tall, well-toned young man with golden-brown skin in a black V-neck semi fitted shirt - clearly and confidently showing how well-toned he is, suddenly enters the room quietly thinking as though he won't be seen by the professor. He then went at the last row at the corner to sit, but just as he thought he wasn't seen, the professor spoke.

"Are you in the right room mister?..." the lovely professor asked with a smile.

"Yes, Sorry ma'am, I'm late." said the young man while scratching the back of his head.

"Surname?" a follow-up question asked by the professor.

"Ibsen, ma'am" the young man answers with confidence.

The professor then checks her list if he is really part of her class. After confirming, she let him sit. On the other hand, due to boredom, the young girl was doodling and thinking at the same time of what she wished for New Year a couple of days ago - that if she didn't find any decent guy this year, she would completely become a lesbian, that's why she didn't notice the commotion, but is now shocked when the professor asks them to work by group. The count off then started in order for them to know which group they would belong to. Students that knows each other, which of course was already seated together, complains, but nonetheless follows the instructions. After forming their groups and was told what to do, they were bound to talk with each other.

There are 5 student in the group, the girl together with the boy with the surname of Ibsen are there as well, forming in a circle with their chairs.

Ibsen, being a typical college boy who doesn't care, just sits there and doesn't want to cooperate.

The girl, not wanting to be humiliated when they get to be called to report later, was the first one to speak - even though she didn't want to. But before she ever did, she looked at the guy in front of her, she became speechless - because for the first time in her life, she got star stricken with a GUY!

When she got caught staring at him, she blurted out of nowhere "Hey! You can come closer you know...I don't bite!" and regrets it as soon at it came out of her while thinking "like WTF...what did I just say? I am such an idiot!...though...I kind of do wanna bite him...Rawr!! Oh shoot!...WTF am I thinking?!"

Feeling the arrogant vibe from the person in front of her, she struggles with her sweetest fake smile despite knowing deep inside her thoughts that he would be thinking that she is so into him, no doubt. She only did that so that all the students within the group would not be awkward with each other, and it worked!

The guy looks at her disgustingly thinking confidently that she likes him and how he hates girls like her and is thinking "Hell, does she want my attention that bad??", in his arrogant head.

But he still did as instructed. He went closer and they began to discuss and also wrote each of their respective names on the piece of paper they were asked to use as a group.

They then knew each other's names. The girl being, Queshia Bueno and the boy, Maverick Ibsen. After discussing per group, they were given a 15-minute break before reporting.

Queshia, still a loner, pulls out the snacks she brought from home, and eats by herself thinking of Maverick Ibsen. She then decides not to change schedules anymore.

After the break, they are already going to present but Maverick was nowhere to be found. They then decided as punishment - remembering his annoyed look when she talked - that Maverick will be their representative, but if he does come on time, Queshia had no choice but to be the representative since she clearly does not trust her other groupmates. Just as they were about to be called, Maverick came in.

Smiling to herself inside, she tells him with a poker face "Ma'am said that you would be the one to represent our group"

Thinking that he didn't listen and was arrogant enough to be late again, she compromised to herself that a lower grade would suffice in exchange for his humiliation!

But what she did not expect is that, he is outstanding and confident during the whole presentation. She then knew that he was also an intelligent guy, but is just very lazy. That is what they call beauty and brains for the ladies, so why not with men too right?...but still...she still want to wipe that smug face off of him so bad!

Dismissal came after the last presentation was presented.

She will be going to her dentist appointment right away. Her mind is filled with excitement for the next Saturdays to come, when she will be able to see him again. She is thinking that this is really a strange emotion she is feeling, but she kind of like it and hate it at the same time knowing the conclusion on her mind right as of the moment.

"I think I have a crush on that arrogant confident b*stard... well this will be a first... might as well go all in? but I really do hope so that I will not be regretting this decision anytime soon. There are a lot of 'what if's' that I could think of...but I guess, I will think of that when I cross that bridge" is all she can think of while on route to her appointment.