Beauty (2)

Days passed, I never thought that I enjoyed her company. She is still this noisy dumb bitch, but less annoying. Maybe because of that, I can finally enjoy walking in the corridor with her. No one is ever paying attention to Diana and me anymore. They just see us as an ordinary friend now. Well, maybe they're still wondering, how Diana can be a friend of mine and vice versa.

Diana still talks about many random things, but I start to listen to some of her stories. It's surprising that some of her stories are interesting. She is still exploiting that poor genius guy who always sits behind me. The difference is, I laughed it out (in my mind, of course).

If mother said that she is busy and couldn't pick me up, I walk with her to the main entrance of my residential area. I never have any guts to bring Diana to my house. I want to eliminate all possibility of people finding out about mother's secret. Besides, I don't want to lose her as a company. She is valuable for me now.

"Let's exchange phone number!" Diana suggests. I have a little to no doubt, so I exchange phone number with her. Hey, having each other number won't hurt, right? There may be something I want to ask. Though, she is dumbfounded when I take my phone out off my pocket. She never saw someone at her age using an old flip phone.

I start chatting with her on my phone. Until that time, a message from her left me frozen with uncertainty.

Hi, u free tomorrow? I want to pick u up. I want to tell u something.

I read her text for the fifth times. Her text gives me shiver down to my spine. I never go to someone's house except Mrs. Dowle's before, nor to hang out with someone on Sunday morning. I'm afraid mother will be suspicious about it. But mother will be in the hospital on Sunday morning. I think I have enough time to come to Diana's house.

Yes. I reply, then I give her my full address, my hand is sweating when I text my full address. I begin to imagine an extremely scary situation, which I quickly clear it up. The scariest thing that will happen to Diana is when she becomes a decent human. Mother says that she only does 'that' to a cheater. I see no problem with Diana.

Even though I ensure myself that nothing bad will happen, I'm still anxious about every scary possibility. Every what if situation comes to my mind, giving me paranoia and I solve all of it with ignorance, not a good way to help my anxiousness to be honest. I take two sleeping pills in my drawer. It'll help me to relieve my anxiety.

All right, mother is out working. Alska will be all right, I've cooked a very nice breakfast and lunch for her (I also give her more homework to do, just in case if she got bored). I've shut her with some of my precious accessories that she wanted badly. The only thing that I need right now is a deep breath. I wait impatiently because Diana said she'll arrive soon. When a black car comes and parks in front of the gate, I draw near the black car, to find Diana sliding the car window down.

"Come on, Andra!" Says Diana cheerfully. I nervously step inside the car. This is the first time I've ever gone inside other person's car.

"I don't know that you can drive," I say.

"Duh, we're 17. I'm surprised that you haven't got your car yet," she says. Huh, as if mother would buy me a car. If she buys me a thing, it'll be a brand-new knife sharpening tool. I bought all of my stuff by saving my monthly pocket money.

Diana drives slow and cautiously. She wants to say something, but she keeps holding it back for the sixth time. So do I, I want to open a conversation, but I cannot. I can't think of anything to talk to. The car runs slowly for an hour until we stop in a huge house, bigger than my house obviously. She parks the car near the terrace. But Diana is still in her seat, watching me.

"My secret that you're curious about… is inside this house," she says. She fixed her gaze on me. It is uncomfortable, seeing a cheerful become so different. "But I just want to make sure, don't tell anybody about it. I beg you," she pleas. I nod.

We head to the front door of this big house. When she opens the door, all I can see is a bright gold everywhere. Rothe Mansion is a house is full of gold accent and many antique furnitures. Five housemaids are restlessly wandering around in the house, doing all the chores that I did every day. Diana guides me to a door in the second floor, where the door is slightly bigger than the others. Diana takes a deep breath. "Here we go."

Dark. It is dark, only dim light from a candle on the drawer helps me noticing a silhouette of someone in the bed. She or he uses a white gown, but I cant clearly see the face. Diana closes the door and then walks to the bed.

"Mom, I bring the friend I told you before, she is really kind," Says Diana. Apparently, the woman on the bed is her mom. But Diana turns off all the light, leaving a small candle on the desk. The woman seems to talk to Diana, very slowly. I can't hear anything from her. Diana pushes a switch to turn on a chandelier in the ceiling.

I scream, aghasted by a weird creature beside Diana. I'm unable to identify anything except mouth and nose. The head is colossal (I may exaggerate this, but it is really big) like an alien from the movie. It has no eye, and the eye socket has been stretched up to the point of grotesque appearance. I see a horrifying monster.

"Were you surprised? It's fine, come here," the weird creatures talk to me very slowly. I look at Diana, confused about the creatures besides her. I slowly draw near them, as I build the courage to not insult Diana.


"Oh-ho, don't worry, I'm Diana's mother," she says, "I'm not a monster, dear," she adds, to make me feel better.

"G-good morning, Mrs. Rothe," I say nervously.

"Good morning, may I have your palm?" she asks. Diana smiles, she pulls my left hand, and then gives my palm to her mom. Mrs. Rothe touches my palm with her fingers, she doesn't have any expression, but she hums continuously.

"You're an independent person, you have a rough palm, dear," She explains, "But you seem to be stressed and sorrowful. I hope it's not because of Diana's behavior," she jokes. Though I know that Mrs. Rothe is only joking about it, but she knows about my stress and sadness just by touching my palm, and the truth hurt so much.

I observe this creature that supposed to be Diana's mom. She is a human, no doubt for that. But what in the world happened to her face. She looks like a monster in some apocalypse movie. Now, I know why Diana doesn't want people to know her secret, it's because her mother appearance will be the headline news of the month. And she'll definitely get bullied in school. I don't know what am I supposed to say. Diana laughs, try to make the situation lighter, but her dry laughs makes me feel even guiltier.

"I—I'm sorry," I apologize for not doing anything, or just because It feels like, I'm being mean to Diana and her mom. Mrs. Rothe smiles, which is relieving, but it also sends slight chill on my body. I can't look at Mrs. Rothe with my usual expression. Harsh to say this, but her appearance is too grotesque, even if she means no danger.

"It's okay. I know that you're shocked," Mrs. Rothe holds my hand with both of hers. "But please, don't hurt Diana after this."

"Why would I?" I ask, confused.

Mrs. Rothe doesn't answer my question. "She is annoying and loud, but she has a big heart. She is the one who takes care of me," she holds her breath, then release it with one uncomfortable sentence, "Please, don't hurt her."

Although I don't understand what she is saying, I don't think I have the initiative to hurt Diana. She has been nice to me, why would I hurt her?

I talk about many things with Mrs. Rothe. Diana looks satisfied with my reaction. And I never brag about her appearance or asking what happened to her. I learned that Mrs. Rothe has developed this illness for years and somehow managed to still alive, despite having a frail body. Soon, I get used to her appearance. She is not evil, just… strange. However, Diana doesn't seem to mind about her mom's face.

After a long talk, I pardon myself to Mrs. Rothe, because it's already evening, and mother will be dead angry if she knows what I did. Before I leave the room, Mrs. Rothe calls me. "Andra—how about a hug?" she asks. I hug her. As I know that this woman with a grotesque face is still a sane human. She won't hurt me.

I leave the room with Diana. She looks at me, her face is more relieved than before. "My mom has a tumor," she confirms, "The tumor is a wild one, we had tried to eliminate her tumor with many medications, surgery, and another method. But nothing changes, at this rate, she is incurable," Diana explains.


"If we remove the tumor, there'll be a high probability of her dying," Diana sigh, "The tumor had been rooted within her brain and part of her face."

"… I'm sorry to hear that," I say, not knowing what should I say.

"It's fine," Says Diana. "I don't want other people to know this, especially everyone in our school," she adds.

"I know…"

"But… no matter how different she is, she is still my mom," Says Diana happily. "And she is gorgeous, once," she adds more.

"She is still beautiful," I confirm. "She might be sick, but she is still beautiful."

Diana was captivated for a second, and then, she laughs. "Holy—, this is the first time I've ever heard you say some un-mean to me."

I chuckled. But really, I am happy for her. I see her mirthless smile has been replaced by happy smile and few giggles. When I ask what's wrong, she just says. "Nothing, I'm just happy."

Mr. Rothe arrives just in time and pleasantly drives us to my house. We arrive at the gate of my house, with a jolt of fear. I can't think straight, as my mind has been overpowered by dread. My knees feel so weak, I can't even move my body from the seat. Mother has been waiting at the gate with her work coat.

I sit on the seat for five minutes, until I gain some power in my leg. Diana and her father follow me as I approach mother. She leers at me, but she keeps that 'kind' smile to Diana and her father. She has a powerful, alluring perfume in her body.

"I'm sorry if Andra had caused some troubles for you, sir…"

"Rothe. Michael Rothe," he quickly adds. Mr. Rothe and mother shake hands.

"Your mom is sexy, the boys will say she is a MILF," Diana whisper to me. I smile wryly.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I ask Andra to come to my house. She caused no trouble, in fact, her visit is a pleasant surprise for us," Says Diana, politely.

"You're Andra's friend, right?" asks mother.

"Yes ma'am, I'm Diana."

"Nice to meet you, Diana," says mother, calmly. "If you have time, don't be shy to visit our house," she says nicely. To me, it is more of a death threat than a friendly invitation. I nearly scream out a big NO when she said that.

"Sure, Mrs. Daslove," says Diana. Oh dear, if you know what's inside my house, you'll take those words back to your throat. We wait until Mr. Rothe is car is out of the sight. Mother leers at me but doesn't do anything. I follow her to go inside the house. Alska greets me like usual, but she says she is lonely. Mother sits on the couch, and still with that unpleasant stare at me.

"Don't go overboard or you'll be sorry." She says clearly. I nod. I leave her and head to my room. Mother is serious about her threat, but the best thing that I can do is preventing Diana to ever come to my house, ever again. Her life is on a thin string.

I sit on the bed, thinking about the beauty that I just saw today, the beauty of love. Diana loves her mother so much, no matter how unusual her appearance is. So does Mr. Rothe, he stays faithful to his wife. I'm happy. I'm just glad to see them, who still and will always hold their loved one. I wonder if I can love mother the way Diana loved hers.

Mother is beautiful, really beautiful. But it's not the beauty that I searched for. That kind of beauty had been permanently erased from her. Mother gained a beauty, but she also loses one.