Chapter: 1

I suppose dating Chris was one of the biggest mistake I made throughout my life.

At first, it was all fun and games. But, a few months into the relationship, I realized how abusive and over-possessive he was.

I didn't realize actually, I was so blinded by his 'love' that I couldn't see the truth.

I mean, he's cute, charming and what not! Plus, he's my first boyfriend.

When he first asked me out on a date, I was up in the sky. He was the first guy to ever ask me out. Was I desperate? Because it was like, Mom used to nag me for not having any boyfriend, and always burying myself in my books. She's the complete opposite of any normal mother.

I wanted to get my mother off my back, get a holiday from her nagging I think. Unlike any other mother, she always wanted me to have a boyfriend.

But I really didn't pay a heed to what she said. I wanted to become a police.

I actually passed the 'Law Enforcement program' with really good results. Everything in my life was going according to what I planned. Until, He came along...


The sun wasn't really blazing its heat today. I smile to myself, as the cool wind brushes against my face.

I walk to the nearby café and sit at my usual spot. I get my laptop out and start working.

"You know, you'll probably die soon. Why work so much, then?" -I hear a voice say from behind me.

I turn around to see Chris Millers.

The popular kid in the campus.

(Side note: Also the class clown.)

I was so stunned to see him that I couldn't form any word. All that came out was stutters. Chris Millers chuckled.

"Please, Michelle. Don't tell me you don't know me." -He asks.

-I shrug my shoulders and ask; "Do I have to?"

-He acted as if he was hurt by my comment.

I laughed. "Anything I can help you with?"

-I ask. Because it's not usual for anyone to come up and chat with me.

He laughs and says; "Yah, by saying yes to go out on a date with me."

At this particular moment, I have no idea what the hell that's supposed to mean?! Sure, Chris Millers is one of the most popular guy in the campus, but a date with him?

This must be a dream!!!

(Also that the way he asked me out was weird. As if he was commanding me?)

I don't know what to say, so I stay quiet.

"Listen, Chris Millers. You're all nice and hot, but I don't really know you." -I say, foolishly letting myself speak without thinking once.

I mean; 'Nice and HOT?!!!!'

He chuckles, once again. "We can change that, you know?" -He whispers.

Looking straight into my eyes, staring into my soul. There's something about his eyes that attracts one to him. They seem dominant and supreme. At the same time really dreamy.

"I'm really busy." -I say.

"You gotta make time for me! I'll be waiting for your reply." -He says; handing me a piece of paper. He gets up and leaves, without turning back.

I sigh to myself. I open the piece of paper and see his number written there.

I'm really shocked more than surprised, actually.

Why would he ask me out?

Why me?

. . .