High heavens of the high seas.

They waited until the tides were high enough and loaded 2 long boats with the surviving racks , Gimp commanded one boat and Gusmag the other. there were plenty of spaces in the boats as there were not many of them. The remains boads were burned for such a weapon to leave anyone was unwise even boats.

It was a long quiet ride with a little scattered talk here and there , everyone participated with rowing the boat even Arslan.

"Hey kid I'm surprised your not even tired, but you look a little sick" the female warrior that was helping Arslan row nudge him with a smile.

"I'll be fine, just not used to being at sea" Arslan winched and the teasing.

He gotten to know sands she's a 35 year old warrior tall and fair , brown eyes with blond curly hair. she joined the raid because she wanted better opportunities for her sister, mother and her, this war her fifth raid. she started out late raiding because she use to have a father and a husband but they were killed a couple of raids ago so she had to take up the role of the bread winner in the family, luckily she was taught how to fight by her husband and father.

" it's a month journey from here on out and by that time I'll make sure you get your sea legs" She started laughing at him.

Arslan just groaned at the though of being here for another month. He been fishing before back in his world but the empty void of the sea made things a bit hard for him. as he and Sandra was talking Gusmag at the front suddenly put his hands up while looking thru the looking glass and everyone quieted.

"There's another boat out there" he wispered.

"Pirates, Sandra grabbed her swords and as soonest she did that everyone else did too.

"Arslan get ready" Sandra becond Arslan.

"What's the difference between pirates and raiders?" Arslan wondered but Sandra starred explaining to bring him up to page.

Sandra started explaing that they maybe raiders but pirates are different the sea belongs to them and they will plunder raiders and merchants alike. Raiders are good plunder for pirates because after they raided they would be full of loot to plunder.

"They seen us! , get ready for battle!" Gusmag yelled.

People on the ship suddenly got busy grabbing hooks, they might not be pirates but they are raiders they knew the drill. Gimp on the other ship started signaling Gusmag. There was only 1 only boat but it was 3 times larger than a regular long boat. The enemy boat started to turn around and head for them and while they were doing that both long boats seperated.

The enemy boat was big but fast, they ran towards gimps boat and started growing hooks and shooting arrows. While they were doing that Gusmag commanded his. boat to flank the enemy boat on the other side. arrows were whistling everywhere when they got close , some of the raiders started forming a shield wall. When the boats got close , Gusmag and the raiders started throwing hooks and pulling themselves in.

"arg" a rack goes down with an arrow to his neck.

Damn Arslan though.

"See you on up top! , maybe were lucky and they have loot!" Sandra yelled and started climbing the enemy boat.

Arslan coud'nt not help but chuckle at the though of how these people think. Arslan grabbed the rope and started climbing with the rest of the racks. As he got on top there was heavy fighting , the first pirate that saw him rushed him. He ran towards the pirate and a he got close he rolled forward cutting one of the pirates leg and as he stood up cut his head if clean. He casted heart of stone and speed checkers, as he run into more pirates he started cutting them down.

Arslan was like an unstoppable beast everywhere he goes arms , legs and head were being cut. It was massacre on his part and as the racks saw what he was doing their morale went up.

It was easy as gutting a fish. On Arslan part Therese crew were wearing nothing but plain leather their only advantage were the numbers they had on board but Arslan did think nothing of it.

"Ahhh help!" up top by the steering there were a dozen racks down.

"Come! Kill!" a big burly pirate with murder in his eyes were cutting raiders one after the other.

Arslan though maybe he can be an opponent so he started cutting his at forward. As he was cutting his way forward a bloody path started appearing behind him and as the pirates saw this they started making a way for him and those who could not or were brave were cut down. The big burly pirate saw him and smile , he started cutting his way towards Arslan.

When he finally got close to the burly pirate.

"What's your name boy?" the pirate smiled at him.

as Arslan was about to answer the pirate suddenly attack.

" Does not matter you will die". the pirate laughed as he attacked.

But Arslan was ready for it it was like others duels he encountered, he smashed his shield toward the enemies sword hand smashing his fingers then crossing his sword under and slaying upwards cutting the pirates arm off they the elbow. The pirate yelp and looked at his missing arm then looked at Arslan in disbelief.

"My name is Arslan" as he shoved his short thru the enemies eye.

All became quiet after tht such a quick and decisive victory the pirates started surrending one by one.

After the victory the pirates were tied up and loaded into their long boats and they found many loots in the pirate ship.

"Boy you are amazing!" sandra ran towards him patting his shoulder.

"It's nothing, did you get your loot?" Arslan asked.

She smiled and laugh.

" Yeah WE got our loot, its yours too. Since you are part of the battle, were gonna serepate in once we get home". she patted Arslan on the shoulder once more.