Black forest

A sword fell and it was blocked by a shield , the owner of the shield suddenly pushed forward slamming into the enemy before bringing his sword down into the leg then upward crotch to the head.

Arslan killed the first orc he saw with ease, he activated his buff and he was going up and down the line piling dead bodies of orcs wherever he went and this cause him to be the center of attention of the orcs. More and more orcs came and he finished them systematically with ease.

Arslan looked around an he can see Victoria with her sword using multiple slashes decapitating multiple enemies and people looked at her with awe and Arslan just smiled. Arslan kept going forward and in his feet the soaked grpund from the blood of his enemies started to turn the soil into mud.

As Arslan continued to pile the dead bodies around him he saw Commander Beatrice fighting two massively large orca and ahe was on the defensive , many soldiers and warriors tried to come to her aid but to no avail and as he continued to watch he saw Victoria charging in to save the commander and Arslan followed suit.

Victoria rushed forward toward commander Beatrice , and instantly was blocked by one of the orcs, she instantly used multiple slash but Arslan saw the enemy glow too.

"Victoria be careful!" Arslan yelled out

"Littel girl taste my strength" the orc with the great sword swung at her.

Arslan instantly recognize the buff, it was divine strength that many Barbarian warriors used to cleave their enemy in half. It grants them superior strength and great dexterity.

Victoria and the orca swords clashed but Victoria was blown away , rolling on the ground but then suddenly standing up. She had a look of worry in her eyes then suddenly a figure appeared before her.

"Victoria step back, you are not a match for him" Arslan looked at the orc.

"I can beat him!" Victoria cried out.

"Listen to me" Arslan looked at her and then continued forward.

"Hahaha another fool looking to die! The orc rushed him and Arslan saw him used divine strength again.

without missing a beat Arslan charged forward, bloacked the attack and slammed his shield toward the orca head which left the orc stunned. Arslan continues to bash the orcs head left and right with his shield before finally extending hisbstange and bringing his sword vertically and down towards the orcs head.

Black blood spattered everywhere , the orc that was fighting beatrice looked at Arslan with an annoyed face.

"Come human I'm next!" The orc dropped the head of the axe and pulled bringing commander Caska down and then he charge Arslan.

As the orc charge, Arslan casted flame of Icarus, bringing his palm up and blasted him with a beam of fire. The orc was blown into pieces with limbs flying everywhere , as the soldiers and warriors saw this they cheered and pushed forward.

" Thank you for the help, I didnt know you were a magician too". beatrice looked at him with surprised and awe.

" Is that surprising?" Arslan looked at her.

"I'll explain later, for now we fight" Beatrice Rallied and slowly with Arslan help the enemy started to thin out.



You can hear the orc yelled and growl as they were starting to be pushed back, The orc born blew and soon orc reinforcement arrive but all it did was delay the collapse of the line as Arslan zig zag in and out the line causing panic and destruction on the orc.

Reinforcement after reinforcement to the orc line came one after the other and they were thoroughly dealt with, Arslan lost count of how many orc he killed and as he killed more and more the people started to gather around him and the line was strengthened.

The forest were covered with so many dead you could not step around the dead bodies, limbs and heads were everywhere specially the stench of blood.

A horn blew and the orc tide started to finally receed. The orc ran like a massive bull rush out of there and the army gave chase like lions for a prey.

After what seemed to be forever the clearing of the forest can be seen and in the far off distance , you can see the orc retreating in a mad rush for safety.

"To victory!" Beatrice raised her sword and yelled out.


"I lived...."

You can hear cheers and gasping astonishment from the surrounding people that could not believe they won and survive , But then in the distance they saw the orc line reform. To their astonishment they started treading northbound.

"Arslan we won! Sandra ran towards Arslan hugging him.

"Yay!" Victoria ran towards them also.

"Hey Victoria where did you learn how to do that?

"Do what?" Victoria looked confused.

" The fast slashes you were doing" She started to demonstrate the mive victoria was doing.

"Arslan taught me it " She was grinning widely.

As they were talking they heard a command from commander Beatrice.

"Gather the wounded and the equipment , return to camp afterwards" As she walked away exhausted.

That night the tally was called in out of 8,000 soldiers 3,000 were killed and 2,000 wounded and for the levies out of 9,000 levies 4,000 were killed and 3,000 wounded. The battle took a massive toll on the army but to everyone's surprise the most heavily attacled had the lightest casualty, the forest battle was forever known as the black forest as so many orcs were killed it turned the trees black.

Everyone in the forest knew why they suffered so few casualty because Arslan killed most of the enemy stifling them to defeat , The princess heard the contribution of the Chats villengers in the battle and sent rewards toward their camp and that night people went towards the chags camp and offered their congratulations.

As they were celebrating in the far off distance they heard the orc drum beat and that put chills on their back , it seems like the orca even though they suffered so many were still willing to fight.

"Ignore them" Arslan took a swig of ale

"Yeah Arslan is right, we beat them and we can beat them again" Sandra looked towards the horizon where the sound was coming from with determination.

The camp continued to make merry as not only they were celebrating the rewards they were also celebrating their survival , no one in the chags camp died. The man of the hour Arslan was celebrated by many and as guest pilled in they started to want to have a drink with Arslan.

The celebration lasted until morning then Arslan was called by Commander Beatrice to her tent, Arslan saluted but then was beconed to sit.

"How are you a magicians? she suddenly said.

"Are Magical swords man rare? " Arslan looled at her confused.

"I don't know what magical swords man are but I know magicians. she started explaining.

Apparently only rich kingdoms have magicians and the number of magicians depend on how powerful the kingdom was. Magicians were pretty rare as they can muster magical energy to defeat massive amounts of people, but their kingdom were so poor that they had no magicians so thats why she was surprised that he can cast magic.

After Beatrice explined the situation to Arslan he went back toward his camp to male ready as the drums of the enemy started to get louder again.