"Court wizard, I bring news from the city gates," announced a guard upon entering the library. His eyes darting left to right while waiting for response. Beneath the unnatural quiet of the relatively large space, a constant clink of glass could be heard along with a strong and sour smell.

"They have arrived?" the court wizard asked while continuing with her batch of fragrances, pushing a twirl of smoke from in-front of her work-station.

"Aigh," the guard confirmed while keeping his voice steady. "But folk have claimed this visit feels… different than past years." The clink of glass ceased immediately, followed by the one in fading blue robes and hood to turn to the guard, her yellow eyes gleaming in the nearby fireplace light.


The guard swallowed as her eyes found him, then gave her a swift nod in return.


"We will arrive at the keep in no time, King Forn."

"Good," the king said while watching through the open view of his carriage. From his side he could see the world clearly, but from the out none would find him or the vehicle's interior. But the fact mattered little, as it could not hide the rage kept silent in the beautiful city of Riften. But the lone carriage found a way to blend with the city's goings, or more so was allowed as its people continued on with their day after offering their unsubtle glances and brief glares.

Forn studied Riften as a whole, spread with dark wood across its buildings along with silver strings and birds found high above its stone roads, where also vibrant red and white ribbons and pearls and gems laid sparsely throughout the city's corners as if a celebration had come and went within the last few days. As they passed through the city's center, a mass of stalls could be seen constructed in a circular formation side by side with plenty of potential customers among the lines customers as the sellers' aids stood nearby to pitch and boast for their shop's wares and services.

The king scratched his brown beard while eying the free market as they rode by, how much did the jarl retain in tax for each sale? He pondered quietly.

"Ah," the king said aloud before looking to the nobles of the Summer Isles. None were interesting enough to hold conversation with, or important enough to gather gossip. He would be surprised if any even lived on the isles knowing that woman.

"You," the king pointed. Quickly turning the heads of all three elven nobles, their long ears and emerald eyes fascinating to him as always. "Yes, King Forn?" the one furthest to their left across from him said with slight hesitation.

"Tell me… what is said about the rift's jarl?"

"If I may," the noble sitting in the center of the three quickly spoke. "In the eyes of her people, she garners the most respect out of the nine powers that govern Skyrim. She is also considered one of their greatest strengths, so much that the nords have already began to call her The Heart of The North."

The king turned to his window with a low whistle. "Heart of the north… what has she done to earn such praise?"

"If I may, my king!" another of the three spoke forcefully before clearing his throat. "Compared to her predecessors of the throne, the jarl has earned her share in affection quite fairly. From keeping a roof over the heads of the poor to seeping away unwanted pests such as bandits and dead guilds. I've heard she has even aided the success of Riften's market with her own coin."

The king continued to stare into the depths of the passing city, his eyes narrowing as the horses bended into a turn, following the approach to the entrance of Mistive Keep, where a warm welcome could be seen awaiting the carriage as expected.

"You know much about this land, nobles of the isles."

"W-well," the noble sitting at the center of three began with a broken laugh. "Araner and I have traveled a long ways to serve you, King Forn. How could we not know our way around such a new environment to aid your majesty in anyway we can." The king raised his brow by inches.

"Then he is not with you?" Forn said while gesturing his chin to the altmer siting across from himself. The two nobles did not even give the boy a glance.

"He is no more than a page, my king. Think nothing of him."

The king looked again to his window as the elven servant lowered his gaze.

"I see. Driver." One of two at the head of the king's carriage moved his head in acknowledgment.

"Yes, my king?"


Though the man gave a questionable gaze forward just as the horses began to cross the bridge leading to the keep, he obeyed the king's words. Pulling the mighty grey steeds to a quick halt. Those within the carriage looked to Forn with large and uncertain eyes, all aside from the servant. But the king paid no attention as he kept to his view where a rush of a small river flowed below the wooden crossing, he could hear its course maneuver against the dirt since entering the market's depths.

"Get out."

The nobles lowered their brows. "My king!" both pleaded. King Forn turned his gaze forward once.

"Not you."

He made sure to keep his sight forward until the servant's eyes were forced to raise. And in time, regardless of nerves or fear, they did.

"I did not mean any offense, King Forn; ruler of the wild-lands. But if I do not return-"

"You will not return. I'm sure you will do fine here." The boy's eyes fell to the floor again, his hands shaking.

"I will have no home. I have heard tales of mercy the great King Forn has shown. Please, I ask only for a small portion."

The king gave a simple nod before returning to his window to the world. The carriage door soon flew open to his right. Startling the boy and his elven compatriots.

"If I were you, I would find myself quickly, elven boy of Skyrim." The ward's eyes widened as a pair of hands grabbed hold and tossed him to the hard wood. When he turned back to the carriage's insides, the nobles only stared at him in silence before the door closed again, and the large man in steel returned to his seat to begin the horses' legs again toward Mistive Keep.


Casanar was the first on his feet, his mind still somewhat foggy as he pulled his blade from the ground and slid it's form back into his leather blue sheathe after a firm swipe through the air.

"Is everyone alright?" he called while holding his head. Soon catching wind of the quiet, his eyes shot left to right. "Young master!"

"He is gone," spoke a low voice to the argonian's low left. "I believe Rina took him."

"Para… Why would you make such a accusation?"

"Just trust me. I know it to be true." The bosmer glanced to his rear where a pile of books, pages and a quill laid across the ground of dirt and leaves. "But he will not be alone for long."

"Yes… if you are correct, it does not surprise me that he is the first on her trail. Can you follow them?"

"Of course," Para said as he stood, after he had finished meticulously adding his arrows back into the slim quiver sitting just above his rear.

"His tracks head west, in a straight path," Para said as his eyes scanned the forest floor.

"He knows where he is going."

"As do we. Follow me."