Meeting the Boss(Revised)

AJ stretch and got up from his desk and walked over to to couch. "I am tired can we do something else?"he asked.

"Sir Poe what would you like to do?" Beth asked.

"Can we go for a walk, I know we can't go on the evator but we can walk."he looked at her with his bright green eyes and she could not say no.

Jack did not say anything about walking the halls and a little exercising never hurt anyone. She took AJ's hand and opened the door and started down the hall. When they reach the end there was a big picture window and you could see the park below.

She would have to ask if they could go down and sit in the park for a time. AJ looked out at the park then jumped down and ran into a near by office.

Beth followed "AJ wait, were are you going?"

There behind a big desk was a beautiful, handsome, Male model of a man with deep green eyes, and dark hair. Her knees wanted to buckle at the sight.

"Who do we have here little man?...did you escape your nanny again?" he said smiling at the boy as AJ climbed up into his lap.

"Daddy she is not my nanny, Beth is my person assint"AJ said proudly.

His dad was confused "person assint?"

"Perosnal Assistant he means. Hi I am Elizabeth Ann Walker but you can call me Beth. I started working for Sir Poe today. We were taking a break from all his work." Beth said with a smile.

"Daddy I like her, she let's me work on stuff and she said I can have a cat to nap with, Right?" AJ said excited.

"Yes sir, as soon as I can I will get you the the special CEO cat to take naps with." she winked at AJ father.

Who was this woman who not only bewitched his son but bewitched him as well. She was beautiful with golden eyes and soft brown hair that flowed to her back. She was short about 5 foot or so and had a nice figure not to thin but not over weight. His heart skipped a beat. She asked him something but he did not hear but came out of his trance. "Sorry, what?"

"What should I call you sir?"She repeated.

"Mr. Poe... I mean Alex ... call me Alex please." he said with a smile.

"Who hired you, may I ask?"Alex said.

"I did daddy. Jack brought her to.. to.. to hire?"AJ said looking very serious.

"Ok, well you had better get back to work then."Alex said putting his son down.

"Nice to meet you Beth."

Beth and AJ walked out of the room.

Alex picked up the phone "Jack please come in here."

Jack walked in "What's up?" then sat down in a chair.

"Why does my son have a PA, and who is the girl with my son?," Alex asked.

"Well, your son has run off all the nannys we have hired for the last 6 months. Your father felt we needed a new approach. I contacted Miss Walker and she came in to meet AJ. She seen the problem right away that little man did not want a nanny he wanted to be like his dad. So she said she would be his PA. She will move into the nanny room and take care of AJ just like a nanny but her Job title will be Personal Assistant." he let out a breath after explaining it all to his boss and best friend.

"Who's idea is this?"Alex asked

"Your dad's " Jacked replied.

"I should have known, Is my mother in on this too?" Alex asked

"I don't think so, its just getting hard to find someone to watch AJ and we have gone through 4 agency in 6 month. Your father met her in the park and after talking to her for an hour thought she was the answer and so far buddy, he has been right."Jack sat up and place is right ankle on his left knee.

After a few seconds had passed, Alex said,"Ok we will give her a try for AJ sake but I get a funny feeling about all of this. Dad had better not be trying to set me up. Get me all the info you can on this girl." Alex the motioned for Jack to leave.

The hardest part to all this is the spark he felt when he met her it was the same spark he got the first time he met Lilly and look what happened there. He could not let anyone hurt him and AJ like that again. So spark or no spark this one was off limits.

He went back to his work on the new contracts for HGMI, they needed to go get revised asap to get the new project started. Thus Miss Elizabeth Ann Walker, he just needed to put her out of his mind.

Meanwhile back in Sir AJ office: AJ and Beth were sitting on the couch with chocolate milk and apple slices. She call Jack about snacks and he had them delivered. She was having a good talk with her new boss so far.

"What does AJ stand for" she asked

AJ thought "I guess my name. Alexander James Poe. But my daddy's also named that so they call me AJ."

"That is something then. What do you like to do when you are not working?"Trying to find out some activity to.

AJ looked like he was thinking really hard then said," I like to swim, ride horses, color with NaNa, she let's me use her paints. Go boating with Dad, hit goff balls with prampa."

"That is a lot of fun stuff. I cant wait to set up these things for you."Beth said smiling at AJ.

"I want to go see Nana tomorrow and color can you set it up."AJ asked.

"Let me see, I will be right back. you finish your milk."

Beth stepped out just as Jack was coming out of Alex's office. "Jack" she yelled

"Yes, what can I do for you."he asked

"Sir AJ wants to go see his nana tomorrow how do I set that up?" she smiled

"I will get you the numbers you need. You can just call. His driver then will take you there tomorrow and stay till you are done. If Mary does not need you to stay then you can return to the apartment and wait on her call to pick him up. I will be back in a moment with the numbers." Jack left and walked down the hall. Beth went back to AJ.

A few minutes later Jack came in with a phone and a planer. "Here is a phone for you with all the numbers you will need for AJ." he handed her a phone the continued.

This is a Planer with all of AJ activities in it. This way you don't double book him for anything." he then hands her the book."Any question my number is in the phone."

"Thank you"Beth smiled he has been the nicest person she has ever met. I wonder if I am his type, but then she thought of the green eyed man that made her heart skip a beat.

She then picked up the phone and found Mary Poe -nana and called.


"Hello Mrs. Poe. My name is Elizabeth Ann Walker and I work for your grandson AJ. He wanted to make an appointment to visit you tomorrow. " Beth said.

Mary laughed at the request. She knew her grandson wanted to be a CEO and it looks like he got his wish."Yes, that would be fine he can come around 9am and stay until 4. Does he wish to paint?"

"Yes he does" Beth Answered.

"Then I will see you two tomorrow." she hung up the phone glad that she would get a chance to spend time with the young lady her husband had picked out for her son.