Getting fired

The rest of the week flew by. Beth and AJ spent the day together doing CEO business.

At night she got him ready for bed and left him and his dad alone at reading time.

On Saturday Alex took AJ out to ride horses. Beth went shopping for work cloths. She also bought a cute little toy cat for AJ's cat nap time.

Sunday she got up and got AJ ready for his day at his grandparents and when they were getting ready to leave he said,"Please come with us. I missed you yesterday."

"I missed you too but today is Nana and Prampa time I will see tonight at bath time." Beth smiled at the boy, knowing his heart broke with each word.

"Ok" he said with a sad face and took his father's hand.

Alex knew this would be tough but he could not let her into the family. It was for the best.

They arrived at his parents estate but AJ's mood did not improve. Mary seeing this asked what is wrong then noticed Beth not there. AJ started crying and ran to his Nana.

"Alex what is going on why is he so upset and where is Elizabeth?" Mary demanded.

"Mom, Miss Walker works for me so on my days off she is not needed. I have no idea why little man is upset he won't talk to me." Alex ran his fingers through his hair.

"Well, I see, come AJ let's go paint" Mary stormed off.

"Dad, what did I do? I just don't understand?" Alex just shook his head.

"Well let me put it this way. Your mother had a good visit with that girl and was looking forward to spending some time today doing girl things. With all us men around your Mom gets lonely." Senior put his arm on his son and led him to the study.

Meanwhile in the art building...

"So do you think Beth wanted to come or do you think she wanted to be by her self." Nana asked AJ.

"Nana, She cries at night, I hear her sometimes. She tells me all the time, she loves spending time with me and is so happy when we are together. I asked her to come today and she said it was my time with you and prampa. But she was sad when she said it. .... Nana can I ask Beth to be my mommy, I really want one and she is the one I chose. "AJ still had tears in his eye as he talked to his Nana.

"I think she would make a good mother for you. But... we need to play some match making for this to work out. Can you help Nana out."Mary said smiling as AJ just shook his head yes.


"Dad, I know you hired Miss Walker to try and get me to marry someone. I don't need a woman in my life and AJ only needs a nanny to look out for him."Alex said as he poured him self a drink.

"Son.." Senior started,"I hired her to look after AJ. He was not happy with any of the people you hired and I thought that this girl could get through to him. You have to admit I hit the nail on the head."

Alex just shook his head, his father was right. Did he read more into this then need. No they were up to something and he was going to stop it before it started.

His Dad watched him he could see the conflict in his son. "Could it be you find this girl attractive and have feeling running around you head..."

"Don't be ridiculous Dad, You know after Lilly left I swore off of all women the only thing that matters is me and AJ."He said downing the last of his drink.

Lunch was serven outside and no said a word. When it was over AJ went back to finish the painting for Beth.

Alex went down to the range to hit some golf balls with his dad. Dinner was the same as lunch with very little talking.

They said goodbye and Alex took AJ home. On the drive he said,"You know little man I love you more then anything and any one in this world. Not sure why you are mad at me but please son let's start over."

AJ thought for a moment remembering everything him and Nana talked about. "Ok Sir, Let's start over." he stuck out his hand for a shake. Alex laughter and shook his hand his son was a old man in a child body.

When they arrived home Beth took AJ to get ready for bed. He did not want to take a bath. He wanted a Shower.

He cleand himself up and got himself ready while Beth just watched. When he crawled into bed she reached out and to kiss him and he said,"I don't need any kisses I am a big boy. Good night Miss Beth." She shook her head and walked out. Alex walked in and said,"ready for you story?"

"I no longer need a story to go to sleep I am a big boy now."he covered up and closed his eyes. Alex was surprised. This was the best time of his day for him and now what. He walked out and retreated to his office.

Soon a small knock on Beth's inner door and AJ was there with a book,"can you read to me I can't sleep."

"Sure, climb up here." She patted the bed. AJ climb up and got under the covers and handed a book to her 'Are You My Mommy' by Dr Seuss. She read the book and AJ feel a sleep in her bed. She went down stairs to see if Alex could help get him back in bed and heard him talking to Jack.

"I need you to find someone else to be AJ'S nanny... She has to go. Even my own son is turning against me... He would not even let me read to him. This is the first night since he was born, I did not read him a story... I need this woman gone Asap." he hung up.

Beth stood there not sure what to do. When Alex opened the door and saw her."Can I help you?"he asked.

"AJ feel asleep in my bed could you help me move him back to his please?" She said.

"Why is he in your bed." He was glaring at her now.

"He said he had a bad dream and I talked to him till he feel back to sleep" she was not going to tell him about the story.

"Fine" He walked up and picked up his son and tucked him into his bed. When he got to the hall he said, "I think you need to look for another job." Then walked into his bed room.

Just like that she was out of a job she loved.