Lilly is back

Beth awoke in Alex's arms. She watch this handsome man sleep with the content of an angel on his face.

She blushed as she remembered what they had done to each other last night. But some how it felt right.

She slowly got up out of his arms without waking him and made her way to the bathroom.

As she finished using toilet. She put on Alex's bathrobe and made her way back to the bed, then she heard a little knock.

AJ slowly opened the door and seen Beth standing there. His smile got big and ran into her arms. She hugged him and carried him out as not to wake Alex.

"You came back. Are you going to stay?" AJ said holding on the Beth with a death grip.

"For now Yes. How about I make you some breakfast." Beth walked them into the kitchen and pulled a chair up to the counter. Placing AJ on the chair she said, "How about you help me make it."

AJ'S eyes got big, "Yes, I have never made food before. What Do I do?"

Beth got out all the ingredients to make omelets. AJ help cut of veggies and beat the eggs. Soon they were cooking.

AJ made toast and was so proud of him self. Soon Breakfast was done and they filled a tray to take in to Alex's room.

Alex was just waking up as they walked in and yelled surprise.

As they ate their breakfast in bed. Alex knew this is what life was supose to feel like. He was glad he gave in and was giving Beth a change. He just hope that she would not break his or his sons heart.

Later that afternoon. Beth was back in the kitchen making lucnh when someone knocked on the door. She then heard Alex asked why now. She comes out to see what was going on. There in the door way way a very beautiful woman. She noticed that her eyes remined her of AJs.

"Beth please take AJ to his room and stay with him please." Alex asked when he seen her walk in.

"Now, why can't I see my son, Alexander. I came all this way just to see you both." She said with an evil smile on her face.

Beth took a hold of AJ and with out a word they walked back to AJ'S room.


"What do you want Lilly?" Alex asked.

"I wanted to see my little boy and visit the man I am still in love with silly. Who was that girl, the nanny?" Lilly said.

"None of your business Lilly and you gave up all rights to My son two years ago. As for loving me ha, you married another as soon as our divorce was final. So I ask what do you want?" Alex was getting upset now. Lilly showing up was a bad sign and he had no time to deal with all her drama.

"You won't believe me." She said.

"Try me" He said.

"I have taken a long look at my life and the only time I was happy was when I was with you and our son. I just want what I gave up long ago. I really do still live you. Do you have no spark of a feeling for me?" She put on a pouty face and batted her eyes at him.

Alex did not know what to think. He had carried a torch for this woman for five years.

They were then married only after a few days and spent what he thought was a wonderful year and feel even harder for her when their son was born to discover she had cheated. He then tried to make his marriage work for her to then run away with their son then up and divorced him and married someone else.

The past two years he hurt because of her betrayal.

Now AJ, Beth and him could get a fresh start and he could feel the healing start. He knew he no longer loved this evil woman. He also knew she was here for something and was using them again.

"I will ask one more time What do you want Lilly?" He glared at her.

"If you don't believe me, I guess I will have to prove myself. I moved back to be closer to my son and you. I am staying at Heather's home till I find a place. I want time with my son. That is all, right now. Unless you see to help me find a place. I have nothing right now, my ex stole all my money so I have nothing."She lowered her head to look more pitiful.

So that was what she wants money. He should have known better. "How much for you to go away this time?" he asked.

"You wound me sweetheart. Though I could use the money it is the family I really want. Its you I really want. I will do anything to get back what I lost. Honey we belong together. You, me, and baby. Please believe me." He could no longer tell if she was lying or not. He waited two years to hear these words but why now. He was confused.

He pulled out his wallet and gave her a card." There is ten thousand on this card. Use it to get a place." He then handed her a business card. "This is my cell. Call me when you are set up and we will talk about visits for our son. As for me it's to late. I have someone in my life and want nothing to do with you."

She knew she could not win the whole battle in one day. However she had her foot in the door. She would take this first step in. As she stood up she seen Beth standing in the hall threw her arms around Alex and said"Darling, I know you will make the right chose. I love you and will be in touch."

Alex just stood there as she walked out.

Beth only seen the last part of their conversation so she was puzzled. Was he still in love with Lilly. He once said he was when he fired he last week. Her heart acked at the thought. She retreated back to AJ'S room.

"Who was that lady, Beth?" AJ asked.

"Not sure, You need to get ready we are going out to shop for a friend this afternoon. Do you want to help?" Beth was tring to keep a smile on her face.

"I hate shopping can I go see Nana instead," AJ asked.

"We will ask, but I guess so."Beth said picking up the boy and hugging him.

Alex came in, "Hey, coast is clear. Want to shopping with Beth and me?"

"He wants to visit your mom. He hates shopping." Beth said.

"Who was that lady dad?"AJ asked.

"Well she is your mother. She wanted to set up a time to visit you. So you will see her soon. " Alex took a deep breath. " So you want to go to Nana's house. Let me call her to see; but both of you need to get ready." he pulled out his phone to call his Mom.

Beth got AJ dressed and then went to Alex's room to get dressed herself. She met the men in the livingroom.

"Ready, we are dropping AJ at Mom's then heading to the mall to shop for Sarah." Alex said carring AJ on his shoulders.

Beth was quite on the ride to Mary's house and all the way to the mall. Alex did not know what to say to her. She did not know what to say to him either.

They shopped at many stores and got everthing a young lady would need. Beth also bought her some new outfits too.

On their way to Jack's Apartment, Beth said, "So that was Lilly?"

Jack took in a deep breath, "Yes"

It was quite for a moment. "Do you want me to stay at Jack's then?"

He kept quiet he knew he had no right to ask her to stay when he himself was confused about his own feelings.

" I ... I will let Jack know you can just drop me off. Let me know when you are ready to tell me what is going on." tears formed in her eyes as he pulled up to Jacks complex.

Alex stopped the car and before she could get out he grabbed her hand. "Please stay with me. I know right now is all messed up but I don't want to lose you right now. I need you. AJ needs you. I promise to explain tonight about Lilly, but right now I just need to think."

Beth leans over and kisses his cheek. "Ok, lets get these packages in and my things packed. We will talk later then." She smiled and his heart skipped a beat. He was in love with this girl no dought about it. He would do anything to protect her.