Past Choices

Beth left the villa and hitched a ride into town. When she got to Willie's Diner she had already bought a burner phone and was activating it. She the only number she needed. Brother Sky owed her big time. Many times she helped him out after he took her in off then streets.

"Who's this ?" the voice said.

"Meet me at Willies' now please." she said.

"Ok" and he hung up.


Beth had said good bye to her to Cora the only women to really care if she lived or died. Core had taken care of her for more years then she could count. However Cora was now 82 and in bad health. Her grandson had to place her in a nursing home.

Beth now 14 was all on her own. As she sat in her room doing her algebra homework her mom's new boy toy just walks right in.

"Hey cutie, want me to show you a good time." He was drunk.

"Get out scumbag. " she hisses as him.

"Don't be like that. I can make a real woman out of you." He reaches down and trys to pull her up to him but she becomes dead weight.

"Touch me again and you will be sorry" She reaches under bed for the knife she keeps.

He gets down close to her and reaches for breast. With that she stabs him in the leg.

"B#@$,"He slaps her hard across her face making her lip bleed.

With that she grabs her bag and leaves. She waited till her mom got off work to head home. When she walks in her mom is yelling at her and threw her out.

For a week she lived on the streets. Until one day a boy a few years older then her was running from a gang of men down her deadend alley. She managed to knock one out with her baseball bat and get the gun he was holding. She did not know what she was doing but pointed the gun at the other three men.

"Leave him alone for die!" she yelled.

"Looks like the rat has a pet mouse. Little girl put down the gun before you get hurt."

"Hey she is cute bet boss would like some fun with this one."

"Grab her and you kill the rat"

Beth fired the gun and it pushed her back. The man walking towards her fell with a scream. She quickly pointed it at the one giving orders and pullled again. Once again the man hits the ground. The one after the boys runs off. She just hurt three men in one days and was shacking.

"Thanks kid you saved my life." He looked at the men then noticed that this girl lived in the ally. "Get your things it's not safe for you here. "

Beth gathered her things and followed. They walked down a few streets till they came to an empty building. He opened a window and climbed through so Beth followed.

"Welcome to my home sweet home. Kid you saved my life for that I now oue you one." He walked over to a table and sat down. "Name is Sky, and you are?"

Beth put her things down and sat down at the table too. "Beth"

"Nice to meet you Beth. If you dont mind me asking how old are you and why are you living on the streets?" He asked.

Should she tell him the truth? Could she trust him? Why were those men after him in the first place? Question ran threw her mind and he just sat there waiting.

"14" she Answered, "I stab my moms scumbag of a boyfriend when he wanted to show me a good time so she threw me out."

Was she for real? She hit a guys with a bat hard enough to knock him out. Shot two guys. now she says she stabed a guy and she looks 10 but says she 14. This is his kind of girl.

"That is some story. If you want you can help me out. In exchange You can stay here." he said.

"I have a job at a supermarket and go to school. If I can I could help here too. This place is out of the rain so not to bad." Beth said looking around. "What do you do?"

"I take things for people that can't get items for themselves. Last night I broke into this rich guys house and stole a necklace for his ex wife. She paid me 2,000 for tge job. People post to my qeb site. I complete the job and poof they give me money. " He explained

"Why the goon squad after you."She asked.

"Took there car for a ride, did not realize they could track it. Thanks again for your help." He got up and took out some cans ravioli, opened one for her and one for him,"Hungry?"

Right then and there Sky and Beth's friendship started. For the next two years she help him with jobs. She kept her regular job and went to school. Twice more she helped him but hurting someone else. She was good with a gun and a knife. If it had not been for the school coming to her to tell her go home with a police officer that her mom had had an accident and needed her she would of lived the rest of her life with Sky. He was the one who encouraged her to better her self. He had her memorized his number and told her to never let anyone have it. He showed her how to be careful. He told her if she ever need him, he would be there. He changed his profession from theif to assassin.

She now needed him. She waited in the last booth for him to arrive. 4pm tall dark and handsome walked in the door. Dressed all in black he took off his shades and scanned the room with his baby blue eyes still he spotted the prettiest girl he had ever known.