Rattatouilleknight vs OgreKing

Alex logged on and played along with rattatouilleknight for about an hour before hitting him up in a privet chat.

[OgreKing: Need to talk rattatouilleknight]

No answer came but he could see rattatouilleknight still playing.

[OgreKing: Need to talk rattatouilleknight]

Still no answer

[OgreKing: Need to talk rattatouilleknight please don't make me beg ]

[Rattatouilleknight: where the fun in that king]

[OgreKing:Tell my girl to go home please]

[Rattatouilleknight:Your girl, she's been by my side since she was 14.]

[OgreKing:??? Does she want to stay by your side]

Alex's heart broke. What would he do. He was her first if she really loved this guy then why would she give her self to him.

Sky smirked to him self. Mr. Poe you play a dangerous game tring to control the bunny.

[Rattatouilleknight: Don't worry king she wants to be with you, we are just friends]

[OgreKing:Then send her home to me.She needs to be safe]

[Rattatouilleknight:Then you don't know bunny very well. No one tells her what to do. Plus I need her right now]

[OgreKing:S$%#, Let me help then]

The chat was quite but Alex could see Rattatouilleknight still playing so he waited.

[OgreKing:I love her and just want to help]

[Rattatouilleknight: I do too... Will contact you tomorrow with plan]

Then he was gone.

This man loved his bunny too, but he could tell he would do what ever made her the happiest. Once again his heart acked, instead of letting her help he pushed her away and now he had to be lost a few days without her. He was lucky because Rattatouilleknight had to let her go forever. When he got her back he would make sure to always give her what she wants even if it goes against his own heart and mind.


Beth came in the room with two super sub sandwiches with pickle chips and two cans of rootbeer.

"Made lunch for my hero." she smiled at him handing him one plate of food.

"Great timing. Ok ready for a planning section?" He took a chip and popped it in his mouth.

Beth was chewing a bit of sub as swallowing, "Do you have a plan?"

Sky smiled, "Remember the VanHill scam?"

"Isn't that the one were you brought me in for a reward and we doubled cross him. Kill number 14 it was." She took a sip of soda.

"That's the one. If we pretend to take you to Black then that gives you a chance to kill him. However, don't get mad..." He paused for a second.

"What are you not telling me?" She could always read him like a book.

"We need to bring in Poe for this job too." He help his breath.

"NO NO NO" she screamed "I came to you to leave him out. He will never go for this and would jeopardize the plan."

"Sorry bunny but I have to bring him in. I also need a dead body."He knew there would be hell to pay for this but the guy got under his skin. He had to let him help.

"I promise to keep him safe and besides we will be with the meanest Prettybunnie in the world. No one would know that from the age of 14 you have gotten rid of 22 scumbag of the world. You were the one the FBI was really looking for to recruit. " He dug deeper into his sub as she just stared death signal to him.

"You won't tell him will you?" She hung her head. She wanted to leave this world behind and did not want Alex to look at her any different. She liked feeling weak in his arms.

"No that's your story to tell not mine." Sky continued to eat. They finished there lunch in silence.

When lunch was done Sky sent a message to Poe

[unknown:9am Willie's Cafe on 11th. sit at last booth. come alone...rat]

Alex read the message it had to be rattatouilleknight. He would soon meet the man in love with his girl.


Monday morning did not come fast enough. Jack tried to talk his friend out of going. What if it was a trap. Alex promised to come alone and do what ever Beth wanted to keep them all safe so Jack just had to trust the plan.

With that he set out of the cafe. He arrived at 8:30 at sat down. He order coffee and looked over some emails to wait the half hour till Rattatouilleknight came.

8am a good looking man soon walked in the door. Dressed all in black he took off his shades and scanned the room. Alex hoped this was not him however he came over and slid into the booth. He nodded his head.

"There are two rules. Those that break the rules die. Rule one, don't take unknown anything into my house. Laptops, PDAs', and even cell phones. If I don't make it secure then it not to be near my home. Second rule, Never tell anyone what goes on when you are with me, that includes how to contact me. Got it?"

"Got it" I'll leave everything in my car. Were is the best place to leave it." Alex asked.

"We will take it back to your place then you will follow me to my place." Sky got up.

Alex got up and lead Sky to his car."So what should I call you?"

"I'll tell you when I know we are safe" Sky leaned back while Alex drove to his car garage.

Alex lock up and followed Sky, he watched as Sky looked around, changed busses and took him all over town. After an hour of travel they went into a small home with high end tech security.

"Ok, call me Sky." Sky dropped into a chair."Beth should be in the second door on the right. We'll talk later." He picked up a book and started reading.

Alex walked down the hall. He paused at the door waiting... slowly he opens the door. On the bed fast asleep looking like perfection lay his girl.