Party the night away

After the bride and groom left, Senior announced. " The reception will be on the other side of the pool house. Food and drink are waiting please enjoy."

Everyone started down the path to start the party.


Beth and Alex had to stay behind for pictures. The whole wedding group stayed with them. It took about an hour to get threw them all. The party was going good when the couple arrived.

They sat down to eat their plates of food. As they were through Jack dinged his glass.

"I would like to make a toast, Alex when I met you in Kindergarten I knew we would be Bestfriend forever. I stayed Bestfriend through your first marriage but I am glad to move to second place behind your lovely bride. May your life always be filled with Love" "Hear, Hear" everyone drank to the toast.

Then Sarah stood up with her glass. "Even though we all just became friends I want to toast to you both and say live long and prosper." Everyone laughed then drank to the toast.

Jack then grabbed Sarah and pulled her to the dancefloor.

Alex pulled Beth out and Sky even got out there with Julie they all had a blast. Dancing until Sky gets a tap on the sholder.

"My I cut in and dance with my Fiance please" Benjamin Farley asked.

Sky pulled Julie behind him out of reflex. " Who are you?" Sky knew but asked.

" I am Benjamin Farley 5th and Julie Freeman will be my wife in a few months so may I dance with her?" He was cold as ice.

Julie pulled away from Sky, " It's Ok it's just a dance." She placed her hand in Ben's and they danced off.

He had to get rid of that guy ASAP. He gripped his fist so hard it dug his nails into his hand causing marks.

Ben danced for a few minutes before he said, "I see you are back in town. When were you going to inform me. We are betrothed."

"I've only been back a week and was helping auntie Mary with this wedding I was going to call you tomorrow." She lied she was not planning on ever call him but desided to play it cool since Sky found out Ben was spying on her.

"Did you get a New phone? I tried calling and seems my call would not go through." He asked.

" Yes, I did. My old phone got busted.I am still figuring it out. But it should of went threw I put you number in."

"I have been really busy lately I even had to get a new laptop seems someone was stealing my work. The geek that found it could not trace it back to anyone so I bought a new one."

"See I really was busy. Plus we have not spoken in three months." He dipped her and kept smiling his cold creepy smile .

"Ben why do you want to marry me we have nothing in common.?" She asked just to hear his answer.

" Julie my dear, I want to marry you because you belong to me. The day you were born your father gave you to me and I keep what is mine. I let you have your time of fun but when you turn 25 the next day we will be married." He then got colder, "If you betray me with another man you will suffer my love, everyday of your life you will suffer, so you better stay a virgin till our wedding night. I don't share what is mine.... Stay away from Skyler the rat also or he dies." He then kisses her. "I have to leave now but Monday I will pick you up from work and we'll get dinner and catch up bring your new phone and I'll look at it."

She was scared for herself and Skyler what will she do know. She could think of only one person who to talk to.

"I need to talk to you Beth please" She pulls Beth aside.

"Meet me in my room in 5 minutes ,I just need to let Alex know." Beth could tell something was wrong and it had to do with the guy she was dancing with.

"Alex love, I'm going to talk to Julie tell anyone that asked I've gone to pee."She tells him.

"Ok, is everything alright?" He asked.

"Not sure but will let you know." She kisses him and heads for the house. A few minutes later Julie heads in too.


What's up sister?" Beth asked pulling Julie in to a hug.

"Did you see the guy I was dancing with?

"Yes" Beth raised her eyebrows.

"He is Benjamin my arranged marriage. He just threatened me and Skyler. I think he knows Sky wiped him off my phone and laptop. He wants to see my new phone. He also knew Sky's name with out being introduced and called him the rat."

"Calm down, let me think." Beth picked up a pen and was playing with it. You could see her mind working.

"Ok, go back to the party and tell Alex to send Sky to me. You stay by Alex until I come back got it. Then tonight and Sunday you stay with Sarah here." Beth had a plan but needed Julie safe.

Julie did as she was told letting Alex get Sky. Sky soon was knocking on Beth door.

"What do need bunny?" He asked.

"Farley knows who you are. He just threatened Julie and you."

"What the f#$@, how?" he slams his hand down on the bed.

"Someone from the government must of told him. Julie just needs to play along and we will -take- him- out. I need a phone you can down load her stuff into that we can give Farley to mess with. Make it look like she got a new phone. She told him she broke her old one."

"I can do that. I've got a new I phone I was planning on upgrading, we could use it. That way it looks like she got a new model." Sky was shacking with fury.

"She also said someone hacked the laptop but they could not trace it so she got a new one, he has not asked for that yet but make plans for one but put fake designs on it. Have them ready before Monday morning. "

"That's easy too.," Who does this guy think he is.

When you leave here go home with Jack, get the phone and laptop ready and have him deliver them to his sister on Monday, tell him to drive her to work. That way, they can not connected you to her. You come to my place Monday morning and we will work out a plan. By next weekend he will be a dead man."

Beth was the best at plans she had never had one fail.

Everyone knew there parts and would play along.

Alex did not like getting his pregnant wife tangled in this mess but knew if he tried to stop her she would leave till the job was done. So he would help and stood by her side.