Baby shower

The whole Villa was a buzz getting everything sat up. Mary and Sarah were busy directing all the venders and set up crew. People would be showing up later and the count so far 298. This was going to be the biggest baby shower ever.

"Will Julie be coming today?" Mary asked.

"No, She won't leave Sky's side. I sure hope he wakes up." Sarah says.

"What are the doctors saying?" Mary was rearranging some pink and blue flowers.

"They are hopeful, but said it would take a while. He is breathing on his own and has brain activity. They told us when we visit to talk to him." Sarah finished with her diaper cake display.

"I don't know why things are going so bad for them. Wish there was something we could do." Mary walked over to the catering team to check on the food.


"Beth, you ready? We need to be going?" Alex asked through the bedroom door.

"Almost just give me ten, Please check on our Son?" she is trying to get her hair just right. Seem the pregnancy has given her bad hair.

Alex walks to the living area to find his son sitting on the couch ready to go holding a gift box.

"You got us a gift?" Alex asked.

"Funny Dad, I got my brother a gift. Its walkie talkies so we can keep an eye on you. Don't tell him ok!" AJ was going all out.

Everytime he had to spend a few days away from his mother he gets worse with the protection. This time he has been sleeping on the floor by her bed. Even if they get him to sleep in his own room he wakes up by her bed.

"The baby is due in December and its only October. You understand he won't be here for the party right?" his father asked.

"I know but there will be pictures of his gifts and I want to make sure he knows I love him." AJ states.

"What happens if it a girl?" Alex says.

"That's easy I've been talking to my school friends and girls are Daddys little angels. You will be so busy with her that you won't have time for Mommy. But I know it's a boy." How did he get a son like this Alex laughed to himself.

Soon they were all ready to go and almost in the car when Beth said, " I need to pee again I will be right back."

Alex rolled his eyes, they were going to be late again. 20 minutes later they were on the road.


Julie sat next to Sky. Her tears had finally dried up and she sat there holding his hand. She jummped when a doctor walked in.

"Sorry did not mean to scare you. How are we doing today?" He asked.

"Not sure, why won't he wake up?" She asked holding his hand tighter.

"No one really knows why. Are you talking to him it is said that they can hear you and recover faster if you keep talking." he walked over to exam Sky.

"I feel silly, what do I say?" She felt like a kid talking to her dead grandmother who can't speak back.

" Just talk about anything you use to talk about. Hear his voice answer question in you head. Soon you will talk the day away and your voice will draw him closer to waking up. " He finished his exam and left her there to start talking.

"Hey, I here. Today is the baby shower. As soon as I know I'll tell you if its a boy or girl. Sarah said she would video call the reveal. That means you could watch it with me." A tear rolled down her face.


There were so many people at the party that Beth was super uncomfortable. She shook hands to this person and that. She would never learn who these people are.

They finally sat down for lunch. She was feeling overwhelmed but smiled at everyone.

Then came the time for the reveal.

"one" Everyone shouted


"Three" Beth and Alex opened the big box and out floated blue balloons with a big one not saying boy but twins. Everyone was shocked and Beth went weak in the knees Alex barely held her up. There would be three to keep him from his wife.

Mary and Sarah shouted for joy and the news.

"Julie did you see it twins, Beth is having twins. That means both Jack and Sky can be godfathers. And you and I godmothers. Oh I'm so happy. We are going to spoil the so much." Sarah talked none stop. Twins Julie started to cry with the thought of Sky playing with twins.

The party went on with out the little mother. She had to excuse herself she was tired and need a break. The news seemed to drain all her energy. She just hoped that life would slow down now and give you a chance to catch her breath.

AJ was head over heal for the news of two brothers. Now he could have his mom all to himself while his brothers keep a hold of his dad. He needed to add a walkie talkie.

Everyone was happy for the good luck of having twins.


Julie sat with Sky and it was getting talking to him. She told him about her week since she last talked to him on the phone. She could her his voice in her head and that help. Soon she climbed into bed with him and feel a sleep snuggled to his side.

For the first time since his accident she slept and dreamed of her life with the man she loved.

The next day she opened her computer and pretending he was helping her started a game. Her character was named Jewelinthesky. And just like that they were together again.