Surching for Sarah

Beth worked from her bed. Over the past month nothing was leading her anywhere near to finding Sarah.

Jack was crazy going over and over in his mind what Sarah's stepfather said after Jack almost beat him to death.

"I owed a lot of money and the bookie sold my IOU's to some rich man. I have no idea who. This guy called me and said, I give him Sarah or I give up my life. That's all I know."

Jack found the bookie but even with all his records he did not know the name of the guy who took Sarah.

Beth had done everything but the name just wasn't out there to find yet. She was not giving. The company used was a bogus one set up of this. Who ever did this was real good.


Sarah was in hell. She still did not know her raipest name. She was stuck in her room for the past few months. He would come two to three days a week to sleep with her, always drugging her. She would not know it was coming.

She tried to guess which food they put it in but she always got drugged. She tried to not eat at all. But that got her punished. A strap to the back.

The two women who took care of her were just as mean, they would call her slut, whore, and harlet.

She had given up on being rescued and ever seeing Jack again. Even if she did get out Jack would not want a used woman.


Dale Lewis was a rich man with rich taste. He light pretty things. He owned several companys but the biggest one was The Lewis Corporation. He had a super star wife to hang on his arm, big houses, fast cars, and a little sex slave hidden away. That drug they give her makes her wild in bed. He gets hard just thinking about her.

However he as a meeting with Poe Industries to see if he could join them on a new project.

The guard takes him up to Alex's office.

"Nice to meet y'all Mr. Poe." Dale says taking Alex hand.

"Yes, Mr. Lewis have a seat." Alex motioned to a chair.

"What can Poe Industries do for you?" Alex wanted to get him out of there. The back ground check did not look kindly on this man.

"Well, you get right to the point boy, don't you?"Dale said, "I am looking in to investing in the green river projects that your company is dealing with, know what I mean?"

"No, I don't know what you mean? The projects on the green river already have all the investors it needs." Alex said.

"Come now, I need a project to help make my money greener. On rich to another, project's like this are prefect, you know what I mean." He grinned.

Dale then seen pictures of a wedding and a baby shower and without thinking he said, "Damn, you know my little sex slave, she is a hottie in bed."

Alex's eyes grew big. He had Sarah. He needed to play it cool.

"Don't say, I always thought about getting one, with the wife pregnant with twins I don't get much action now a days" Alex said hopping Lewis would take the bait.

"Well I could let you borrow my little hot fox for a few nights in exchange for letting me invest, know what I mean." Lewis was falling for it.

"Fine, I scratch your back you scratch mine." Alex took the slimy hand.

"Here is an Address. Call this number tell them you are coming and they will get the girl ready. No need for condoms she gets a shot after each time to prevent little ones. When you are done just leave the staff will give you a room to shower in."Lewis was so smug and wanted to punch him in the mouth.

"I'll have my people draw up the contracts and I will send them over to be signed."Alex said.

He walked him to the elevator and called his wife.

"I've found Sarah, I think. Research this number and Address?" Alex said.

Beth took all the info and went to work. The phone and address went back to a shell company belonging to Lewis Corporation. She then pulled up the spect's on the house and started to make a plan. It was a little hard not knowing which room Sarah was in and the twins beating on each other in side her.

Just the AJ walked in with a maid following him, "Mommy, I made you tea and toast. How are my brothers today?" He kissed her tummy twice. "You need to come out soon."

Beth closed her lap top and took the tray. "Thank you sweetheart. " She loved his tea.

"Mommy have you deside what my brothers name will be?" AJ asked.

"No not yet" Beth said taking a bite of toast.

"I still like Fred and Ted" AJ stated.

"No, we were thinking James Alexander after your father and you. Then Andrew Walker after me. What do you think?" She asked pulling her newly adopted son close.

AJ thought about it then tapping his finger to his forehead. "I like it but how is Andrew Walker after you, your name is Beth."

She laughed, "My name is Elizabeth Ann Walker Poe. Change Ann to a boys name and its Andrew. Then Add my maiden name."

"Oh, I see. I thinks it great." He the leaned into her tummy and said James and Andrew come out now."

"Stop yelling at your brothers and leave your mother alone." Alex said leaning on the door frame. " Did you get you home work done young man"

"No, I made mommy some tea and toast, I'll do it now." Alex ruffled AJ hair as he left the room and he heard him say, "Soon you will be to busy soon"

"So you desided then on the names?" He walked over and gave his wife a kiss.

"I guess better the fred and Ted" she laughed.

Alex then asked"Got a plan yet"

" You haven't said anything to Jack, I don't want him to get false hope."Beth said.

"No, I could not bring my self to tell him. He would of wanted to go after Lewis him self."

"Fine, here is the plans, First step one you make an appointment with the girl. Go in with camera and take video of everything. make sure they know no hanky panky this first time you just want to see if the girl is worth it. Step two if its Sarah then you will set up a sting to get her out with the help of Freddie and Sam. Since Sky or I can't monitor for back up you need the FBI to help."

"Sounds good." With his wife listening in he called the number. Told them he wanted to just see the girl before doing the deed with her. They agreed.