Sky's Jewel

A few months has gone by and Julie was busy getting ready to wed the man she loved.

Even though they lived in the same home they have stayed pure for each other.

They wanted their first time to be special.

The Wedding will be held Beth and Alex property near the river.

It was an Autumn wedding in the late afternoon. The area faced the breathtaking sunset. 

At the end of each seated aisle, jasmine scented candles hung from naked tree branches.

Spread down the aisle was white leaves, as far as the eyes could see, slightly moist so they wouldn't crack when you stepped on them. 

Thay would a have a small group of close family and friends dressed in Simi formal attire for comfort. On either side of the aisle, they sat in white chairs set up for them in the garden by the bank of the river. 

      "Okay, okay Julie, you need to breath… Can you do that for me??" Sarah asked.

"Only five minutes remained before my wedding began; I am nervous just like the first time I went on a date with him."

 "I can breathe," Julie said to her, "I just need my grandmother's necklace to calm down."

Her two friends looked at her wide-eyed.

"Uh, Julie… about that."

(Thirty seconds later)

"What do you mean you can't find my necklace! I can't get married without it. It's my lucky charm. No way."

 "Look," Beth said, "Everyone's here and has a program. It's about to start. I see Sky waiting at the end of the aisle and he's just as nervous as you. DO you really want to not marry the love of your life over a necklace?"

She shook her head.

"Good, because if you don't marry him, I know plenty of women who would." Beth knew they were only meant for each other she just needed her friend to snap out of it.

Finally, the judge came out and asked every to stand. It was Julie's turn!

All eyes would be on her.  The flower girl lined the path with white rose petals as the music started. She only took two steps out before she was greeted by her father.

He escorted her down the aisle, which seemed longer than before. He became her strength; without him she felt like she would faint.

The guests looked at her, taking pictures of her fairy dress. Up ahead she saw him, Skyler. Her future husband, the love of her life, her everything.

He stood taller, his shoulders back and his eyes on her. If she wasn't mistaken she could have sworn tears filled his eyes.

At the end of the aisle Julie's father hugged her, said "I 'm proud of you" and then presented her to her groom.

Julie's father placed her hand in Sky's and smiled. As a couple, Sky and Julie stood in front of the Judge.

 Before her father walked away, he patted Skyler on the shoulder. That was his way of welcoming him into the family.

The Judge asked, "Who gives this woman to this Man?"

"We do" Mr. and Mrs. Freeman say together.

"We gather here today in the sight of god and these witnesses to bring two people together."

"I understand you have your own vows Julie you can go first."

"Skyler, From the first time we meet you went straight into my heart. I felt safe when you are near. I would like to always walk hand in had with you. Share my life with you. As you have been there for me I always want to be there for you. I love you."

"Now you Skyler."

"My Jewel, the only thing I treasure more the you is the life we will live together. You were there when I wanted to give up. you never let run. I want to spend this life and any life after this loving you and showing you what you mean to me. This Day is the start of our life and I will always put you above all others. I love you my special one of a kind Jewel."

"Beautiful words of love now Julie repeated after me, I Julie Freeman take Skyler as your lawfully wedded Husband. With this ring I the wed."

" I Julie Freeman take Skylar as my lawfully wedded husband. With this ring I the wed." She then placed his ring on his hand.

"Skylar, I Skylar take Julie Freeman as your lawfully wedded wife. With this ring I the wed."

"I Skylar take Julie Freeman as my lawfully wedded wife. With this ring I the wed." He placed her ring on her hand.

"By the powers given to me by this state I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. "

Skylar took Julie in his arms and kissed her.

"Ladies and gentlemen I now give you Mr. and Mrs. Skylar Freeman."

Because it was not a large wedding everyone went back to the main house and the reception was in the Ballroom. Everyone ate, drank, and dance into the late night.

All three men had the woman for their dreams right beside them. The past year had been with a lot of conflict and trials but love one over.

Every choice that is made in life is made because the choice is always yours. It Up to you.