Preliminary Round

After I signed up I enetered the preliminary round area and saw Videl and Skyla arguing about something.

"So why am I finding out that you have been getting special training without me from that people." Skyla exclaimed.

"It was a spur of the moment thing and besides it's not even going to be that much help in the tournament." Videl said in her defence.

"You know Skyla I wouldn't mind teaching you a thing or two if you want, I'm much stronger than I look you know." I offered.

"See now Aurora knows how to be nice, I thought we were going to stick together always." Skyla said.

"It's not like that Skyla, I just wanted to get stronger and that never interested you much."

"Fine I understand what you saying, Aurora come with me to the punching machine, the preliminaries is about to start." Skyla ushered me away with her.

Right before the preliminaries started Gohan and his family and friends joined us at the punching machine.

"Welcome to the preliminary round of the World Martial Arts Tournament. This punching machine will be deciding who the 15 contestants will be who will be in the next round. As Mr. Satan is the last winner, he will be automatically entered into the next round. The punching machine will measure how strong your punch is and the 15 highest points move on." The announcer explained.

"Be careful to hold back and not show our actual strength." Gohan said

Mr. Satan was chosen to do an example and got 137 points. The people before us got nowhere near his score, so his score was thought to be the highest.

"My dad, forever the show off." Skyla frowned.

It was Skyla's turn up next, she went up to the punching machine and went into a perfect stance. She gracefully struck the punching machine with perfect technique scoring her 197 points.

"Well done. That was great, you even beat your father's score by a mile. You must feel great." I said teasing her.

"It's not really an accomplishment since all my dad does all day is sleep and watch videos of himself." Skyla replied.

It was my turn up next and I had to make sure to hold back like Gohan said. I gave the punching machine a gentle punch and got a 205 score.

"I see you aren't just talk after all, Aurora." Videl said.

"Atleast you can give me a challenge I want Aurora." Skyla said.

"Who is this guy Gohan, he is clearly holding back, I can't eait to fight him." Goku asked.

"There is not much to tell you. All he told me is that he was raised by the Yardrats." Gohan explained.

"That stinking aliens Goku learnt that stupid instant transmission technique from." Vegeta said in annoyance.

"Yeah." Gohan nodded

"So that's why I thought he was familiar. There was a kid that was clearly different from them living there when I was training on planet Yardrat. He must be strong and should know most of the Yardrat techniques I didn't have time to learn, I want to fight him." Goku said shivering in excitement.

I waited awhile with Skyla to see who I should look out for before heading to the junior matches. Goku, Piccolo, Krillin, Android 18 all made it through with fairly high scores that will definitely get them into the next round. But Vegeta not wanting to hold back broke the punching machine and everyone was in awe. We all then went to the junior matches to watch Trunks and Goten fight leaving Gohan and Videl to wait until they get a new punching machine.

"Gohan your friends are crazy, how could they all beat my dad." Videl was confused.

"Don't worry about them and just worry about getting to the next round."