Family Conflict

One Day ... Yuko along Ichita and Ayuko was on holiday to Bangkok, Thailand. Yuko vacationing there, because he wanted to see his brother who was in there.

Sora, he is the cousin of Yuko. Sora also married Nipon Pongthananikorn. Nipon is the husband of Sora and he still had the descendants of Japan from his father. Nipon also Boss in the Thai Company. The father of Nipon called Shindo Kanno and mother named Pimchanok Pongthananikorn. Pimchanok, mother of Nipon, he was the owner of a Thai Company and his father is a Lawyer and consultant for agriculture.

Sora had a son named Mei Pongthananikorn. In may, the son of Sora, He was only 4 years old.

The Next Day ... Kimura Shūji meets with Mio (Shūji) schools. Shūji is a friend of Mio. Mio is the Treasurer of her class.

Tana are confused as to why his Company did not go well since her who became President of Yuko in the Office.

While the Seiko also was thinking about his Business Office in order for his reelection.

A Few Months Later ... After Yuko back to Tokyo together with his little family, Yuko finally makes his Office a company Forward again.

Where he is now the same as grade 11 Mio and which are in class XI-1 while Mio are in class XI-3. Where and Mio is still the same Schoolgirl.

Where have the Task Group of Schoolgirls and the Task Group that can be used to do with other classes.

Where the task of his Group together Shūji, Mio, Kiko, Mizu, Kanno, and Ajino. Shūji Classmates still is with Mio.

Kanno is a friend of Mana and Kanno are in class XI-5. Kanno classmates with Kiko and Ajino. Kanno has a long name i.e. Akira Kanno (Kanno/Guess) more often called by the name of Kanno.

He still had Relatives with Mio. Tana, a father of three children, he was the first child of 8 children. His younger brother named Kirei, Roy, Rui, Mai, Yuriko, Hina, and Fumio.

Tana currently she was 47 years old and 44-year-old Seiko. Kirei has a Son named Hoshi and her husband named Wei Qing (Ingwei). Roy had a son named Asahi and Yuri and his wife named Sanae. Rui unmarried until recently. Mai had a son named Misaki and her husband named Shigeru. Yuriko had a son named Asako and husband named Naruto. Hina and Fumio also unmarried.

Yuko to are still trying hard to advance the company's business.

After School ... Which goes to the Apartment to dating Niji. Niji Ueno (Niji), she was the Girlfriend of where and He is the smartest Pupil in class XII-1.

After arriving at the Apartment ... Where being alone in a room and Niji Apartment, Apartment In Niji drank liquor and Niji & Which didn't get to wear the birth control first before Sleeping together.

Then ... Niji and Where to sleep together in the room Apartment without wearing birth control first.

After A Few Hours Later ... Mio call Where the phone from Mio and was not appointed by where, Because Where was sleeping alongside his Girlfriend, Niji. Any Anxious with the Mio Where, as Mio is the cousin from nowhere. Which had said this to Mio. " Mio, I to the Apartment used to be, Because I was there "said Affairs where, but the Mio" Where, what's You there, there must be something ".

Then ... Mio got anxious and confused by the word where. A Few Weeks Later ... Mio hears the news that Where Pregnant outside of marriage. Mio ever Shocked hearing it and notify it to the news of the Mio family of his or her Family and also Surprised to hear that Where pregnant outside of marriage. Tana more Dizzy and confused to hear that News, because he was thinking about the business of other people in order not to go bankrupt and not Poor. While the Seiko Tekejut pun and Shocked to hear the news and Yuko also panicked and Shocked to hear the news of it.

The tone, the mother from which, he is also Confused with her Pregnancy, because Where pregnant outside of marriage. Aishi also surprised and Shocked that his Sister was Pregnant outside of marriage. Taro as well as his wife and children also Surprised and confused that Which had become pregnant outside of marriage. A large family from the other Mio is also Surprised and confused to hear the news that Where pregnant outside of marriage. The tone of her Husband and had a chance to argue That his Child, Where Pregnant outside of Wedlock and eventually was forced to move the Tone Where to Osaka, Because her husband's tone and embarrassed If anyone else heard that his first child was Pregnant outside marriage. Where Once lived in Apartments that are located in the area of Osaka, he met with the new People He knew named Rei Hiroshima (Rei). REI is a Male Tomboy but good-hearted and not arrogant. REI works as Singer and painter Rocker. A Few Days Later ... Where got acquainted with a Nurse named Kim Yoo Rin (Yoorin) and sister of Rei named Shiori. Shiori, he currently grade 10 high school and he was the champion 2 in his Class. Where also became acquainted with Xing may (May), may is a friend of Yoorin while may is the obstetrician. Where in the Apartment that he lived with Rei, Yoorin, may, and Shiori.

Yuko on vacation to Osaka to see the State of Which. Yuko see Where another Woman living with him. While Yuko became acquainted with Rei, Yoorin, may, and Shiori. Shiori, he is also the younger brother of the class from which and Mio. Shiori has also another Residence, that is Tokyo. Shiori also has Apartment in Tokyo and Shiori also lived with Mio and his friends the other Mio also.

Yoorin also has another House, in the House of Yoorin was in Fukui and Yoorin have a place to live Apartment in Osaka while May have a longer other than Apartment in Osaka in Hiroshima, he also has an Apartment there.

Where would like to Name her son's initials "A".