Political Stories 3

Ayuko has a lot of friends who are Politicians with him even though there are different parties.

Ayuko has a friend named Rui Han.

Rui is the first child of 3 Sisters.His sisters are named Emiko and Tokyo.

Rui used to be a College Friend from Ayuko and he used to take college from the Department of Law and Masters Degree in English Literature.He has now graduated from his Masters Degree.

He is good at 6 languages, namely Japanese, Mandarin, Korean, English, Russian and Mongolian.

He has Mongolian blood from his mother and Japan from his father and his father also has Han Chinese from his father.

Rui's mother named Aira Han and her father named Taro Han (Hán Tàiláng).Rui's grandfather from his father was named Rimo Han (Hán Lǐ mò).

Rui since he really wanted to become a politician, because he has a very noble ideal, which is to become the leader of the country and defend his homeland.

Rui He is the oldest child among his younger brother and Rui likes animals, namely Cats.

Rui as a child, She became a Model and Actress when She was Small.

Rui used to be a model for children and adolescents and at the same time she became a small actress in the past.

Since he was an adult, he then chose to become a politician.

Rui has a Class Sister who is also a Politician, namely Tora.

Tora is Rui's senior brother at the time of Rui Kuliah.

Tora also used to take a Masters in Law and Bachelor of Agriculture.The current Tora is Graduated and Tora is the Second Child of 3 Brothers and Sisters.His sister named Asako and his sister named Jimi.

Jimi is the younger Sister of from Tora and Jimi at the time of the lecture.He received a scholarship for lectures in South Korea.Jimi while studying in South Korea He took a bachelor's degree in law and then after he graduated from his bachelor he went on to master's degree in art and after he graduated from his master's degree he became a politician since he was a member of the House of Representatives representing Gifu Prefecture.Tora and Jimi are from Gifu Prefecture and they live together in Tokyo.

Rui's Class sister from Tora, she is from Okayama Prefecture and Rui lives in Tokyo with her Little Family.

Rui has one child named Sora from the result of her marriage to Sendai.

Tora is currently a Member of the House of Representatives representing Gifu Prefecture.

Tora was born on March 5 while Rui was born on May 5.

Tora is 3 years older than Rui while Rui is 3 years younger than Tora.

Jimi, the younger sister of Tora, he is a widow and he already has twins named Rena and Rini from the results of his marriage with his previous husband and he while looking for a partner for the father of his child.

While Tora has 3 children named Ryu, Rona, and Rika.He has a wife named Tama.

Asako is the sister of Tora and Jimi, she works as a pediatrician in a hospital in Tokyo.

Before Jimi became a politician, he used to work as a cashier for the Swayalan market and he worked as a cashier for only 6 years and after 6 years passed ... he decided to become a politician because he wanted to follow his brother's career.