Apartment and Luck

Apartment and Luck

One day Ayuko visited room number 110, because Ayuko wanted to meet Yoshida's son.

Moments in room 110, Ayuko was watching Amana crying and Ayuko holding Amana's body. After being held by the body temperature, Amana was hot and Ayuko immediately took Amana to the nearest hospital.

It happened that at that time Yoshida and Okada were not in her room because they were both working at that time.

Manda and Mika got the news that Amana entered the hospital because of her high fever. Manda and Mika got the news from Ayuko.

Amana had to be hospitalized for 14 days because she had dengue fever.

After 15 days later ... Amana was allowed to go home and finally Manda and Mika took Amana to Room 110.

Nasa is a child from Sabina, she is a single child and currently is 10 years old and she is now a grade 4 elementary school.

Sabina also lives in the same apartment with Yoshida. Sabina lives in Room 114, 4th floor. Sabina in the apartment, she lives with her husband and child.

Whereas Inada stayed in Room number 115 and Inada stayed in the room to stay with his wife and his two children.

Rui also lives in the same apartment as the other politicians and is just different in her room number. Rui lives in Room 117 and she lives in that room along with her husband and child.

The next day ... Yoshida and Okada were shocked to see Amana doing well even though Yoshida and Okada were working, Amana was left alone in her room and Yoshida and Okada thought Amana had no one to care for her when Yoshida and Okada were working there caring for Amanadari Sick to Healthy so that is Ayuko who has taken care of Amana from Pain to Healthy.

Yoshida and Okada had a 15-day work meeting in Osaka.

Ayuko lived in the apartment together with her little family and Ayuko lived in room number 77 on the 3rd floor.

Sora is Rui's only daughter, she is 14 years old and she is now a Grade 8 junior high school.

Sora also took an English and Mandarin course and Sora also studied Mongolian from her own mother. She also attended extracurricular activities at her school. She joined the basketball and scout extracurricular activities at her school.

Whereas Nasa participates in the Karate extracurricular activities at the School, as well as English Language Courses and Mathematics Courses outside of school.

5 Days Later ... Rui's mother from Sora, she felt like she was nauseous and vomiting. It had been five days that Rui felt like this.

Then Sora gave the mother a testpack. A few minutes later ... After checking in the bathroom, finally the results of the test show a line that is two positive signs.

Sora was happy because she would have a sister later.

Rui then feels happy and grateful for the Pregnancy of the Second Child.

Rui then stroked his stomach and many other Politicians friends were happy to hear the news that Rui was pregnant with her second child.

Ayuko also gave Congratulations to Rui because, Rui was pregnant again.

Then the greeting was received by Rui.

Sendai is Rui's husband, he arrived crying happily because his wife was pregnant again.

Sendai has always been, he wanted to have twins.

But Sendai doesn't know when God gave the twins to Sendai and Rui.

The next day ... Sendai, Sora, and Rui were praying at the Church because they were grateful for Rui's pregnancy.

Several Hours Later ... After Praying in the Church, Sora, Sendai, and Rui finally go to the Gynecologist to check the Rui Content.