
So now, all that was left was wait and see the results. Just thinking about all these things happening according to his words, Saksham couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

In the midst of his excitement, Saksham suddenly heard an ethereal and gentle voice calling his name from behind. He stopped and looked back. As he looked back he was pleasantly surprised. He opened his mouth and said, "Anitha, how come you are so late today?"

Yes, the one who called was none other than Saksham's childhood sweetheart, Anitha. She was walking quickly yet gracefully towards Saksham. Her steps were so light that it felt like she was not walking on rock hard road, but on feathers and soft petals. She was wearing a school dress at this time. Her long and shiny hairs were tied neatly behind her head like a princess. Without even using even a bit of make-up, her face was even more beautiful than an idol. On her beautiful face, there was a soft and gentle smile like usual. She walked quickly towards Saksham.

Watching her coming towards him with that soul-capturing smile of hers, Saksham stared at her dumbly for a moment before regaining his posture as usual. Although you would think that even after being with Anitha for so many years, why would Saksham still be dumbfounded by her beauty, then I have to tell you that this was still quite good as compared to others who are not even familiar with her.

When they see her, their jaws would drop to the ground and they would just stare at her until she would disappear from their visions. This level of beauty was enough to entrap the hearts of every age group. This level of beauty was enough to destroy countries. And because of her beauty, Saksham has had to face many troubles almost every day. Her beauty has also caused many problems for her too.

Many-a-times, she had been tried to abduct, but because of having strong strength and self-defense techniques, she has managed to get past those problems herself. But Saksham was not like that. He had always been a scholarly child with a weak physique and almost no interest in learning self-defense techniques. So, he had been beaten quite a lot of times by people for just talking and being together with her. When Anitha would get to know of this, she would just smile at Saksham and not say anything. But later, the boys who beat Saksham would get beaten by Anitha as a result. This made Saksham feel very powerless. And that was why he had always been yearning for power to defend himself and Anitha.

As he didn't get his desired power back then, he learned to use his quick wits to get out of trouble unscathed and in turn framing the ones who had come to trouble him. Let me tell you an incident related to this.

There was this one time when Saksham and Anitha were walking in the corridor of the school and talking and laughing very happily. Seeing this, there were many boys who were fuming with jealousy and could not wait to replace Saksham and laugh with Anitha. After that, Anitha went back to the classroom but Saksham was feeling the call of nature, so he went to the washroom, but as he went inside a cubicle and was about to lock it, someone kicked it from outside and Saksham almost peed himself in horror. When he saw 4 seniors standing outside and looking him with a not so good-looking glint in their eyes, Saksham understood that they were here to trouble him.

And as Saksham has had some similar experiences before, he knew just what to do at this time. When the 4 seniors pulled him out of the cubicle, they first punched him, then they threw him on the ground and opened up their pants, intending to relieve themselves on Saksham so that he would remember this lesson and stay away from Anitha in the future. But, Saksham suddenly grabbed his shirt with both hands and pulled hard. All the buttons on his shirt broke, leaving only a torn shirt that was forcibly opened. Then, he opened his pants and also pulled down his underwear a bit. Then, Saksham puffed up his chest as much as he could and shouted with all his might.

"R*PE! R*PE! R*PE!"