God's Retribution?

Then she took the cup and as she was about to hand it to Akash, a hand stopped her. It was none other than Saksham's hand. Not knowing when he had stood beside her and was looking at his uncle and aunts with red eyes.

"What if I say that my mother won't be giving you the tea? Please watch your manners, my dear uncle and aunts, and take the tea yourselves because no one here is your servant. If you have come here for money today, then just take it and scram." Saksham said, pressing anger in his chest.

"What did you say? Where are your manners, boy?"Akash jumped angrily.

"Little brother, is this what you have taught to your son? Is this is how your son talks to people? Not respecting his elders at all. It would have been better if you didn't have such a child," shouted Rajat, pointing at Arjun.

"Oh? Then, I think you shouldn't even have born. Your father was dying on the hospital bed and you all didn't even give a sh*t about it, much less talk to him. Such unfilial bastards like you should have died long ago. God knows why you are still alive," said Saksham calmly.

As Rajat and Akash heard this, their faces changed to pig's liver. They wanted to say something but all they could do was make some gulping sounds. Nothing came out of their mouths.

"This is too much, big brother. He talks to us like that and you don't even say anything and just look at it silently. What does this mean?" Kavita asked coldly.

"Big brother, looking at the way your son is talking, it seems like he has forgotten his manners. Let me teach him some."

Kamla raised her hand to slap Saksham but it was stopped mid-way by Savitri.

"You are still not qualified to teach my child something," Savitri said coldly.

Kamla tried to pull back her arms. But it seemed that her arms were caught by a pair of steel arms. She tried her best but couldn't pull her hand back. Slowly, her arm started to hurt very much. She started crying and begging, "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry. Please, stop! It hurts! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

When she saw this, Savitri opened her grip with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Big brother, you are so shameless. Your own brothers and sisters are getting treated like this and you just sit there like a statue. We want an account for today," Kavita shouted angrily.

Before Arjun could even say a thing, Saksham sneered and said, "Oh? Now, we are the shameless ones? Do you think that I don't know what you all are up to? Do you think that your attempt to cheat out money would go under my eyes, huh? Intentionally angering my mother and father so that they would do something violent by which you would ask for even more money. Do you think all this will go under my eyes, huh? I'm the headmaster of the school from where you learned these tricks. This small trick won't even fool a small child. Do you think you can get more money from my parents like this?"

Everyone's face changed as they heard Saksham's word. Arjun and Savitri thought for a moment and they realized that this was very much plausible. And seeing his brothers' and sisters' face changing, Arjun knew Saksham had said the truth. He couldn't help but get even more angry and disappointed. After his father died, he asked Arjun to forgive his brother and sisters and look after them in the future. Although he was angry at them at that time, he still promised his father and decided to forget about what his brother and sisters had done. But now, they had come back once again to cheat his money. Earlier, they were not satisfied with the amount of money they were getting after increasing interest rates and now they want even more. Their insatiable appetite for money was disgusting.

As for the 4 brothers and sisters, they were scared at this moment. Their genius plan to exhort more money from his brother at this time was revealed naked in front of everyone to see. They couldn't understand how Saksham knew what they were trying to do.

Their actual plan was to anger Arjun and Savitri. They knew that Arjun could be easily angered so their main target was Arjun. When Arjun was angered, he would definitely do something. Either he would just be angry and reprimand them or he would beat one of them in anger as they were his own brothers and sisters and not some strangers. If they were just strangers, Arjun would only reprimand them.

But their plan was to anger Arjun so much that he'd beat them. Later, when he calms down and realizes that he'd done something terrible, they would just overly-exaggerate the situation and would ask for a lot of medical fees. Knowing the nature of their brother, they knew that he would definitely give them money because of guilt. And if for some reason, Arjun refused to give them money, they would start making trouble and even call the police. Then, they would blackmail Arjun for more money.

This vicious plan if was to be known by Saksham, undoubtfully, tomorrows local news would show a news story of 4 people being found dead in the gutters. Saksham only understood that their plan was to exhort more money from Arjun by angering him so much that in the end, he hits someone. Then, they would emotionally blackmail him into giving Arjun money. But what he didn't know was that their money-madness had reached such levels that they would consider even framing their own blood-related brother by reporting to the police. Well, Saksham forgot that, if they could come to their home to exhort money from their own blood-related brother, they could also go to other extremes.

As for how Saksham knew of their plans, then he had already given the answer. He had been tricking and framing people for quite a long time that he could easily see what they were trying to do here. He was now considering whether they should live to see tomorrow's sun or not. As they lived not far away from them, their life and death were within his hands until they go somewhere out of his power's reach. Until then, they were merely ants, whose life and death was within Saksham's control.

"Is what Saksham just said true?" Arjun asked, trying to remain calm.

No one answered his question. Everyone just stood on their spot like dumb. They were feeling very guilty after being caught red-handed. They were not able to answer Arjun at all.

Seeing that no one was answering, Arjun's last hope also died down. He tried his best to calm down his chaotic emotions. He raised his trembling hands and took out two stacks of money from his bag. He threw it towards Akash, who unconsciously caught it. Then, Arjun said without any emotion in his voice, "These are Rs 70,000. Take these, and get out of my house. Get out and never show your face in front of me again. From today, I don't have any brother or sister."

"Who wants to stay at this dirty f*cking house. You think you have some money then you can order us? We were already about to leave. Who wants to stay in this sh*t hole anyways. Hmph!" Akash snorted coldly.

The rest followed the suit. They turned their face and went out of the house shamelessly.

As he saw his brothers and sisters leaving, Arjun powerlessly fell on the sofa. It felt as if he had drained every bit of his energy when he said those sentences. Savitri carefully checked Arjun. Saksham just went and closed the door. He came back and saw his mother and father sitting powerlessly on the sofa. He got worried and asked immediately, "What happened, mom and dad? Are you two okay?"

"Don't worry about us, son. We are alright. But It could've been much worse if you had not revealed their plans. You saved our family, son." Arjun said weakly.

"But I don't understand. How could someone do something like this just for money? To try to exhort their own brother for money, this is just unbearable. I hope God is looking at this right now and will punish them for their sins." Savitri said angrily.

"Don't worry, mom. God will hear your plea soon," said Saksham ambiguously.

Before the couple could even say anything, they heard a loud scream coming from the streets. They heard loud barking and growling of a large number of dogs. Then, soon came pitiful and painful screams of men and women. For some reason, these voices seemed familiar.

Arjun and Savitri's face changed as they sped to their balcony. When they looked downwards at the street, they saw Arjun's brother and sisters being heavily bitten and dragged around by a group of dogs. Their states were very pitiful at this moment. Their clothes were torn and full of blood. They had varying scratch marks from their head to toe. All of them were being bitten by one or more dogs each. And those dogs looked very annoyed as whenever they struggled, they would bite even more fiercely, making them cry out even more loudly.

They screamed loudly for help but no one came forward to help them. Who would want some mad dogs biting their a*s, so the people just stayed away and called the emergency department for help. Until then, they could only wait and somehow try to stay alive.

Saksham right now was sitting on the sofa, looking at his wristwatch. Seeing the clock hands in the wristwatch, the corners of Saksham's mouth raised up as he smirked evilly. It was exactly 4:00 P.M.