Go Back!

Saksham felt scorching heat pressing tightly on his skin. Even after standing quite far away from the place of explosion, he could still feel the overbearing pressure. And this dome was expanding with a very fast speed right in front of his eyes. He wanted to use his powers to stop this explosion but he was not sure if his powers can stop this explosion. According to his findings and experience, after using his powers so many times, he came to the conclusion that the strain on the soul after using his powers was not even. They varied from wish to wish. If his wish was too fantastical, the strain on his soul would be tremendous enough for him to die. But if he used it for something else like what he has done till now, the strain would still vary from wish to wish but not enough to kill him.

Seeing the terrifying dome of hellish flames, he knew for sure that his soul cannot withstand the strain if he used his powers to stop it. Just by looking at it, Saksham could see that this was no ordinary explosions caused by explosives. This was something different. Something about the flame felt very natural. It was as if they were a part of nature itself but concentrated at a place with something. Saksham opened his mouth to say something but he felt as if something was choking his throat and no voice came. He was scared. After several tries, he still couldn't speak anything. The fear of death from either way caused his mind to go blank.

How ironic it is that even after having such a mind-boggling power, he will still die because he was too scared and indecisive to even open his mouth. Saksham was not the only one terrified. The people in the market and the people on the roads were scattering here and there like ants. Some fell on the ground and others stepped on them, not caring a bit about what happened to the ones who remained behind. Some fell to their knees, some were shouting hysterically, and some even fainted on the spot. Undoubtedly, they knew that this place was their graves no matter what they do. The only thing they could do now was to pray to the heavens unconsciously. Pray, that someone could save them.

In the midst of this dire situation, Saksham suddenly felt something was pouring inside his body. He opened his eyes wide as he felt something within him bouncing with joy. Suddenly Saksham felt as if he wanted, then he could even use his powers to flatten Mount Everest. Unprecedented confidence started oozing out of his body. If someone would see him right now, they would feel as if there was a god standing right in front of them. Saksham's skin was glowing lightly with various kinds of runes and symbols attached to his skin. Those runes looked incredibly complicated as well as had a demonic feel to them. It felt as if they were trying to hold some godly powers in very tightly but something was making them loose, letting a tiny bit of the power to pour out from the gaps.

As Saksham felt this, he didn't hesitate to open his mouth and say calmly, "Go back."

Just 2 words, but those were enough because suddenly everyone saw that the expanding dome suddenly stopped at its place. It was as if it was struggling with something. Struggling to move forwards. It was like there were invisible walls stopping it to expand any more than that and the fire dome was pushing with all its might but seemed helpless. The two forces collided so intensely with each other that it created a vacuum zone there. Everything nearby was getting sucked in it. Be it humans, cars, animals. Some could even see lightning flashing in the air for a short duration of time. But this deadlock didn't last for a long time. The fire dome had lost the confrontation and slowly it started to shrink. The walls holding the dome were closing in.

As the dome shrank, Raju, who was the center of this explosion shrieked out in terror, "HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?! WHO INTERRUPTED MY PLAN!!! IT CAN'T BE AN ELEMENTAL EMPEROR!! NO!! NO!! THIS CAN'T HAPPEN!! NO!!!"

As soon as he finished, his body disintegrated into ash. Then, everything went calm.


On the other side

Seeing the shrinking dome, people looked blank for a second and then suddenly erupted in deafening cheers. They were hugging each other and crying out loud. They couldn't believe that they were safe and sound. Their prayers were heard. God helped them himself.

All these thoughts were not known to Saksham and he couldn't care less about them too because right now he felt as if he was going to die. The runes and symbols were choking around his neck as well as his body. He couldn't breathe and couldn't move. Due to not getting air, his face turned purple and his eyes were popping out of his sockets. It was as if the runes and symbols were punishing him for using those forbidden powers and soon he couldn't feel anything as he fell down on the ground.





"You can't die here now....So this is a small price you have to pay to use what you should not have. Live well, and we will meet soon..."

Before Saksham fell unconscious, Saksham seemed to have heard someone whispering this into his ears. But he wasn't sure if that was his illusion or not. And he couldn't think much about it too cuz as soon as the voice stopped, he fell unconscious.


"Sir, we are picking up a huge flare in fire elemental energy from Noida Sector 62!" A young man shouted as he looked at the computer.

"What?! What do we know about the user of the power? What is his level?" The middle-aged man asked, standing up from his seat.

"S-Sir, I am afraid…it is the Fire Elemental King," Ayushman said.

"WHAT?! Fire Elemental King?! Why would he use his powers at that place?"

"Sir, if I am not wrong, this is no ordinary use of powers. This is…. Self-destruction!"

"Oh my f*cking god!" The middle-aged man sat back in his chair with a blank look in his eyes.

"Contact the other departments. Report this as fast as possible. We need to save people! Although I know that everything within a kilometer will be absolutely destroyed but we can't give up hope." The middle-aged man suddenly sprang up again and shouted hastily. Then, he suddenly rushed out of the room.

Ayushman sat there, silently observing the situation quietly when suddenly his computer started making weird sounds and then, BOOOM, it exploded. This shocked Ayushman as he tried to back up and fell off chair. Although his back was hurting a lot but he couldn't care less about it at this time. If anyone could see him right now, they would find him silently talking to himself, "What was that power? How could it be so powerful? And the Energy signs caused due to the self-destruction of the Fire Elemental King suddenly stopped. How could this be? How could this be??"